Title: Laura – first girl with leather trousers - slip challenge
1There's always one seemingly new video trend and
challenge from the ice bucket challenge to the
slip hero challenge we have now. These challenges
are just pure viral in very nature since they
usually fun and quick to watch. Especially so
when it comes the slip challenge while wearing
leather trousers. Now that's a challenge right?
Can You Do The Slip Hero Challenge? Can you slip
your way through a heavy duty elastic band? Are
you up for the crazy slip challenge? All you
need to do is get hold of a heavy duty band and
get your slip on (and off) to be a slip hero!
You'll just have to record yourself using your
smartphone or get someone to and share it
online. Where to Get The Official Mini Band? The
official mini band can be purchased from Amazon.
You can find a link on the Slip Hero site. As
well as watch Funny Hero Videos of people doing
the Slip Hero Challenge! Like Sabi the first
girl to accept the slip challenge! Topless?
Theresa the second girl to do the slip hero
challenge. Or Yannick the first slip hero
wearing the traditional bavarian leather
trousers! And watch Laura the first girl to do
the slip challenge with bavarian leather trousers
on! Why Do People Like to Do the Challenge? Why
not!? Its just something to do at the end of the
day. But also your chance to make history and
get seen by millions of people doing something
thats just fun and enjoyable to
watch. Especially when it causes them pain and
suffering which we all find amusing for a moment!
2What are the Rules For The Slip Challenge? The
rules are pretty simple, although some people
might get confused? All you have to do is the
words slip hero challenge and the website on a
card and then grab the band and slip through it
as fast as you can while your friends stare and
laugh at you as you do. Just make sure someone
is recording it and then share it online. That's
about it! You can also share the video on the
official Slip Hero website and or on the official
Slip Hero Facebook page.
Are You Up for The Slip Challenge? So are you up
for the slip challenge? If you're the type that's
up for a challenge and think you can do the slip
challenge quicker, or even the quickest then go
for it! Just make sure to record it on a
smartphone or something and then upload and share
it online to social media. Check out Laura the
first girl with leather trousers doing the
slipchallenge! Slip hero challenge at the 198th
Leipheimer Kinderfest. Laura is wearing
traditional leather trousers and accepts the
slip challenge. She slips fast through the tight
mini band but she has to fight with her
blouse. Enjoy and like and subscribe for more
slip challenge heroes! SLIP HERO CHALLENGE
SITES Official Site http//www.sliphero.com
Facebook https//www.facebook.com/sliphero
YouTube https//www.youtube.com/sliphero
Google https//google.com/Sliphero Twitter