Title: GST and its Effects on Sugar Mill Machinery Manufacturers
1How has GST affected the Sugar Industry?
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2- The implementation of GST on July 1st 2017 has
added a lot of chaos to every industry. Sugar
traders reduced purchasing sugar in June due to
the uncertainty regarding the new tax system and
are now claiming that there is shortage of
supply. While most of the industries have
welcomed GST, sugar industry is still awaiting
clarity on the tax that sugar mill machinery
manufacturers need to pay.
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3- In India, sugar industry is one of the top
generators of employment at front as well as back
ends. And it is a sad scenario that there is
still no clarity about how GST will affect them. - Ashok Ranavat, president of Bombay Sugar
Merchants Association, said, We are still not
sure if we will get back Rs.124/quintal cess that
was purchased till 30th June 2017. The
association did not add any rate on its commodity
on 1st July and instead declared that they had no
stock. Due to this uncertainty, sugar wholesale
traders stopped purchasing it and claimed that
there was no supply.
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4- As per the previous tax rules, an excise duty of
Rs.71/quintal was applicable which was about 2
percent of the sugar price. Also, a cess of
Rs.124/quintal was applicable. Now, the new
regime has applied a GST of 5. To this, Sanjeev
Babar, MD of the Maharashtra State Co-operative
Sugar Factories Federation Ltd said, 5 GST on
sugar will cause sugar to get expensive. - However, consumers in Tamil Nadu and Andhra
Pradesh have some relief as sugar will get
cheaper. This is due to the fact that these two
states have phased out VAT.
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5- However, A. Vellayan, Chairman of Murugappa
Group, which is one of the largest sugar traders
in South India feels that for some time, the
demand for sugar will be low in Tamil Nadu as
buyers will wait for clarity on GST than pay out
the high VAT rate.
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6- According to most sugar traders, the real problem
is in case of sugarcane fibre, press mud and
bagasse which do not attract VAT but have 5 GST
applicable to it. This has caused the traders to
challenge the authorities as even the Supreme
Court has upheld the fact that bagasse is a waste
product and not manufactured. Also, by products
of bagasse such as steam and power is partly used
to manufacture few taxable goods, electricity,
etc which are all outside the GST bracket.
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7All these points have caused uproar and sugar
traders as well as sugar mill machinery
manufacturers feel that GST procedure needs to be
worked out and be more precise.
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