Title: Frank Dinucci
1- Frank Dinucci is a hopeful father, who is raising
funds along with son Frank Dinucci Jr., who is
suffering from Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
2Frank Dinucci is proud of his son and is looking
forward to seeing his son walk and ailment free.
This fund is raised by the father-son for the
doctoral fellowship at the University of
Columbia, where a cure for this disease can be
3 Frank Dinucci is a resident of Raleigh and is
blessed with a six-year-old, name Frank Dinucci
Jr and a three-year-old daughter Isabelle. When
Isabelle was born, three-year-old Frank was
diagnosed with Duchenne.
4 Frank Dinucci is very positive and due to this,
his condition is stable even after getting
diagnosed with such disease.
5After Frank Dinuccis son got diagnosed with this
disease, his only passion is to raise fund for
the cure of this deadly disease.
6 Frank Dinucci has been traveling from New York
City to Raleigh with his son, collecting funds,
and raising funds for the research of the disease.
7Frank Dinucci
Many people have come forward to help him and he
does this every year. Apart from this, Frank
Dinucci loves spending time with his both the
children and indulges in various playful
activities with them.
8When Frank Dinuccis son was diagnosed with
Duchene at the age of three, he was very gloomy
and gave all hopes as the life expectancy of the
disease was only till past teen.
9 Frank Dinucci was very positive and this
positive attitude of him gave his father a hope,
and he invested his time in raising funds for the
research for the cure of the disease.
10For more about info visit
Frank Dinucci