Title: The Rise Of Textile Industry | TatvaChintan
1Reasons Behind The Rise And Rise Of Textile
- Textile also called the cloth is the flexible
material made up of the network of natural or
artificial yarn.
- The textile is formed by the process of weaving,
knitting, and felting, knotting or crocheting.
3Contribution of Science in Textile Industry
Textile plays a major role in our lives, this is
the reason that the textile chemistry is one of
the most famous and successful industry in the
world. The textile chemistry has got a separate
field in the applied science. This can be easily
proved by the statistics collected by the
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5- The textile chemicals are the critical part of
our textile industry. And also contribute a lot
from the start of the production to finishing of
the cloth.
This can be easily proved by the statistics
collected by the researchers. But with these
facts we have seen a great improvement in the
quality of the textile in our homes and lives.
6Production of Textile according to our
- The rules and principles of chemistry are applied
in the textile chemistry so the cloth could meet
our needs and requirements
7All of this depends upon the fibers in the
textile industry. the polymer chemistry is also
very important as it deals with the synthetics of
the polymer, which is used nowadays.
8Development and Innovation
- The home furnishing has been the huge contributor
in the rise of the textile chemical industry. It
is the fast growing area and still developing. - A big part of the companys economy is dependent
upon the textile industry.
9Who We Are ?
- Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem Pvt. Ltd is a leading
exporter manufacturer of chemical and
pharmaceutical products. - We use the best and the active pharmaceutical
ingredients and the raw materials which are safe.
We are one of the most famous and supplies the
pharmaceutical and chemical products all around
the world.
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