Title: Timber Merchants
1Illingworth Ingham Manchester Hardwood Softwood
Timber Merchants you will only ever receive the
best quality hardwood and softwood timbers, to
the highest possible standards.
Timber Merchants
2Hardwood Timber we have one of the most
comprehensive ranges of quality hardwood timber
stocks, in both the North West and throughout the
whole of the UK.
Hardwood Timber
3We import a range of high quality softwood
timbers. We sell sawn softwood timbers in pack
lots or to picking specifications.
Softwood Timber
4We supply timber / wood decking made from Douglas
Fir Decking and Redwood, Western Red Cedar,
Hemlock Timber Decking , Sawfalling Whitewood
Decking etc
Wooden Decking
5We offer an extensive range of machined timbers.
Specialist bespoke and reproduction timber
sections, including period feature mouldings
timber profiles and mouldings.
Timber Profiles
6Continual investment in our delivery fleet means
that we can give an unrivalled timber delivery
service right to your door, on time and to your
required specification and quality.
Timber delivery
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