Title: What Is Video Teleconferencing (VTC)?
1When you further enter into the video
conferencing field, you will absolutely come
across many similar technical terms related to
video conferencing, accidentally or
intentionally, such as teleconferencing, video
teleconferencing, tele video conferencing,
audio conferencing, and etc. Now we will
emphasize on video teleconferencing (VTC) and
help you differentiate them easily.
W hat Is Teleconferencing?
In order to understand video teleconferencing,
we should know the meaning of teleconferencing
first. The prefix tele means distance, and a
conference is a meeting at which people have
formal discussions. Teleconferencing refers to
the conduct of a telephone meeting between two
or more people in different locations through a
telecommunications system, so that they could
hear, or both hear and see each other, for the
purpose of communication and collaboration in
real time. Here, the telecommunications system
may support the teleconference through one or
more means like telephone, computer, television,
radio, telegraph and teletypewriter, providing
one or more of the following services, such as
audio, video, and data.
Types of Teleconferencing
From the definition of teleconferencing above,
we can divide teleconferencing into four types
according to their different functions. That is
to say, audio conferencing (also called
telephone conferencing or phone conferencing),
video conferencing, web conferencing and
augmented reality (AR) conferencing. Now it is
easy to answer the question, what is the
difference between video conferencing and
teleconferencing? The answer is, video
conferencing is just one type of teleconferencing.
2W hat Is Video Teleconferencing (VTC)?
After going through the definition and types of
teleconferencing, now it is easy for us
to understand the meaning of video
teleconferencing. At its simplest, video
teleconferencing (also called tele video
conferencing) has been just another term for
video conferencing, according to the explanation
from Wikipedia. Furthermore, video conferencing
can be divided into several types. The most
common three types of video conferencing are
telepresence videoconferencing system, room-based
videoconferencing system, and desktop
videoconferencing system. Video teleconferencing
technology has progressed in recent years and
video teleconferencing has helped businesses
save time, money and effort. For instance, an
effective video teleconferencing system like
ezTalks Cloud Meeting can be used to connect
people remotely, so you might have cancelled some
prohibitive business travels to meetings and
conferences. https//www.eztalks.com/video-confer