Title: 2BHK and 3BHK flats in Raipur
1Wallfort Enclave 2
Near kamal Vihar Raipur
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2Wallfort properties have number of projects in
Raipur, Wallfort Enclave 2 is one of them.
Wallfort Enclave is first project in Raipur that
will provide in-house club house. Wallfort
properties is mixture of comfortable and
luxurious life.
3- Wallfort Group offers outstanding building
structures with excellent quality. It provide
harmony to your mind. - It offers various amenities and facility to make
your life easy. Wallfort will take you close to
nature with its pollution free environment.
4- Wallfort Enclave 2 offers
- 2BHK and 3BHK Flats in Raipur, Chhattisgarh with
area of 1260sqft to 2040sqft. - Wallfort Enclave 1 and Wallfort Enclave 2 have
total 224 Flats designed completely. - Wallfort Enclave 2 is project which provide and
underground electrification and open space in the
center of project.
5Highlights of Wallfort Enclave 2 properties
- All amenities with
- Big open spaces with greenery
- Swimming Pool and Space for kids to play
- Peaceful places for morning walk
- A well-designed club house with party room
- 150 living families
6Location Highlights
- Address
- Wallfort Enclave, Near Ramakrishna Care Hospital,
Pachpedi Naka, Raipur 492001. - Just 0.5Km away from kamal Vihar
- At distance of 5km from jaistambh Chowk
7Contact Us
Head Office 204-205, 2nd Floor,Wallfort
Ozone,Fafadih Chowk,Raipur- 492001. Phone  0771-
2880131 / 32 / 33 / 34
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