Title: CSS422GUIDE Marvelous Learning / css422guide.com (1)
1CSS 422 GUIDE Marvelous Learning / css422guide.com
2CSS 422 GUIDE Marvelous Learning
CSS 422 Entire Course (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.css422guide.com CSS 422 Week 1 DQs and
Summary CSS 422 Week 2 Design Pattern
Activity CSS 422 Week 2 DQs and Summary CSS 422
Week 3 NET vs Java CSS 422 Week 3 DQs and Summary
3CSS 422 GUIDE Marvelous Learning
CSS 422 Week 1 DQ 1, DQ 2 and Summary (UOP) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.css422guide.com CSS 422
Week 1 DQs and Summary
4CSS 422 GUIDE Marvelous Learning
CSS 422 Week 2 DQ 1, DQ 2 and Summary (UOP)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.css422guide.com CSS
422 Week 2 DQs and Summary
5CSS 422 GUIDE Marvelous Learning
CSS 422 Week 2 Individual Assignment Design
VISIT www.css422guide.com Week 2 Individual
Assignment Design Pattern Activity Prepare a
2-3 page paper comparing and contrasting five of
the design patterns listed in the Course Notes.
Choose any five from the list.
6CSS 422 GUIDE Marvelous Learning
CSS 422 Week 3 DQ 1, DQ 2 and Summary (UOP) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.css422guide.com CSS 422
Week 3 DQs and Summary
7CSS 422 GUIDE Marvelous Learning
CSS 422 Week 3 Individual Assignment NET vs Java
(UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.css422guide.com
Prepare a 2-3 page paper describing the
advantages and disadvantages of .NET compared
toJava Technology as a software architecture.
8CSS 422 GUIDE Marvelous Learning
CSS 422 Week 4 DQ 1, DQ 2 and Summary (UOP)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.css422guide.com CSS
422 Week 4 DQs and Summary
9CSS 422 GUIDE Marvelous Learning
CSS 422 Week 4 Individual Assignment WAP-WML and
VISIT www.css422guide.com Week Four Individual
AssignmentPrepare a 2-3 page paper comparing
and contrasting Wireless Application Protocol/
Wireless Markup Language (WAP/WML) and Java 2
Platform, Micro Edition (J2ME) architectures.APA
Format and List ALL references.
10CSS 422 GUIDE Marvelous Learning
CSS 422 Week 5 DQ 1, DQ 2 and Summary (UOP)
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.css422guide.com CSS
422 Week 5 DQs and Summary
11CSS 422 GUIDE Marvelous Learning
CSS 422 Week 5 Team Assignment Software
Architecture Project (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.css422guide.com Week 5 Learning Team
Assignment Software Architecture
ProjectFinalize and submit the graphical
presentation of the software architecture for
Riordan Manufacturing.
12CSS 422 GUIDE Marvelous Learning /