Title: Foligen @ https://healthclinicusa.com/foligen/
21.1 Introduction
- Hair loss affects millions of people around the
world. - Hair loss and thinning is not just something that
- happens in your old age, it can also be
hereditary with - many people suffering from their teens. If youre
- balding, your hairline is receding, or your hair
is - thinning you dont have to live with this any
longer. - Foligen is the breakthrough formula in hair
growth and - repair that will help you get back the great head
of hair - you once had.
31.2 Benefits of Foligen - Thicker, Stronger Hair
- If you do not get enough Biotin, your hair and
- nails will be drier and more brittle, you may
have - thinning and discoloration of the hair. A
Biotin-rich - diet improves the strength and elasticity of the
- cortex (the thickest layer of the hair shaft),
- protecting against hair damage and breakage
- from sun, chlorine, and heat irons, helping you
to - grow thicker, stronger hair
41.3 Benefits of Foligen - Improve Hair Health
- Foligen gives you back the control over your
hairline. The ingredients inside help to give you
a full, thicker amount of hair, which can help
you, reclaim that receding hairline. Biotin is
the main ingredient in contributing towards this
as it helps the body metabolise fats and
proteins, helping your hair cells absorb the
nutrients they need to improve areas lacking in
hair growth.
51.4 Benefits of Foligen - Support Hair Growth
- Any deficiency of the B complex vitamins
- (particularly biotin) may make your hair fall
out, - which is mainly because biotin is important for
cell - proliferation. Biotin reacts with cell enzymes
and - encourages the production of amino acids, the
- building blocks of protein. Biotin also helps
- because hair consists of a form of protein called
- keratin, and biotin provides that to your hair
- aiding in faster hair growth.
6Foligen - Products
7Foligen - Vitamins For Hair
8Foligen - Best Hair Growth Supplements