Title: Paint Edgers-Accubrush
1Cut Your Painting Time in Half
2One of the Best Weve Tried.Family Handyman
If you dont paint every day, cutting-in a room
can be frustrating. The Accubrush edge-painting
tool is one of the best weve tried. It makes
cutting-in quick and easy. With just a little
practice, you can paint perfectly straight lines
along ceilings and moldings. - Family Handyman
3Youll be Amazed at the SpeedOnly the Accubrush
can Edge this Quickly
Accubrush will save you hours of work and
frustration by doing what has traditionally been
the most time-consuming part of
painting. Greatly reduces the time spent
applying masking tape Eliminates most of the
getting up and down and moving a ladder Paints
10-20 times faster than a sash brush Pays for
itself in labor savings on the first day on the
4Only the Accubrush Can Edge this Quickly and
Patented Technology uses Fine-line Brush for
Sharp Edges
Roller holds a lot of paint, allowing you to
paint 6-8 feet per load. Fine-Line Brush Paints
precisely to the edge. No-Smear Shield keeps
paint off the trim and adjacent walls. Brush
Adjuster allows you to adjust the line as
5Accent Walls Made Easy!
- Unleash your inner interior designer!
The Accubrush Makes Accent Walls Easy Makes it
easy to use multiple colors on your
walls. Allows for more complicated color
schemes. Change Color Schemes more often! You
might have ambitious color schemes in your head
perhaps using two or more different colored walls
in the same room but are worried about the
additional time it will take to paint multiple
6No Other Painting Tool Can Cut in this Quickly or
- Patented Combination of Roller, Shield, and Brush
7Need A Straight Line Against the Ceiling?
Ceilings are the most difficult parts of
painting. They require a lot of ladder work and
you are often holding the brush above your head
for long period of time. Many times, masking tape
wont stick properly to a ceiling, and paint
often bleeds under the tape.
The Accubrush Professional model can be
mounted on any standard paint pole up to 20'
long. Keep your feet on the ground and edge the
top of the wall. Eliminates 90 of the climbing
up and down the ladder. Great for angled, high,
and cathedral ceilings. Works on Textured
8Contact US