Title: Amulya Path Labs
1Amulya Path Labs
Because there's only one life
2About Us
Amulya Path Labs, is one of the leading
diagnostic centers of Chandigarh, that has earned
reputation and trust of many patients in the
field of pathology and lab diagnosis services.
Well qualified and experienced team share a
common focus on hiring and retaining top quality
manpower to drive our different departments
within and outside the labs. Most important of
all, we provide a clean and hygienic environment
for patients who arrive for testing. Our path lab
includes blood tests for thyroid, prostate
cancer, gout and has provision home collection
for all blood tests.
3Symptoms of Cancer
Symptoms common to most cancers
1. Unexplained weight loss 2. Malaise/ feeling
of weakness 3. Anemia/ pallor
4Symptoms of Cancer
Symptoms of Breast Cancer
1. Lump in breast and/or in the axillary area
2. Changes in breast contour 3. Changes in
nipple area 4. Changes/ dimpling of skin over
breasts 5. Discharge especially if bloody and
one sided
5Symptoms of Cancer
Symptoms of Cancer of cervix
1. Discharge especially if bloody, per vaginum
2. Irregular bleeding/spotting 3. Heaviness/
pain lower abdomen
6Symptoms of Cancer
Symptoms of aerodigestive tract cancer
1. Non healing ulcer in mouth 2. Hoarseness /
change in voice 3. Whitish marks in mouth 4.
Difficulty in swallowing 5. Breathlessness 6.
Cough with expectoration 7. Pneumonia not
responding to treatment 8. Black stools 9. Lump
in abdomen
7Here We Are
Amulya Path Labs Sco 73-74-75, 3rd Floor, Shri
Gurudev Block Sector 17D, Chandigarh India,
160017 Mob 91 70 875 00017 Website