Title: Automotive Expert Witness Services in Bloomington
1Automotive Expert Witness
2Kirk Kleckner offers quality automotive expert
witness services As an Automotive Industry
authority, Kirk Kleckner provides his clients
with supporting testimony in an array of
automotive areas. Services provided
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5Automotive expert witness and dispute services
generally involve the application of specialized
knowledge and investigative skills to collect,
analyze, and evaluate evidential matter and to
interpret and communicate findings in the
boardroom, courtroom or other legal or
administrative venue. Critical expert skills
6Kirk Kleckner holds the CFF credential that is
granted exclusively to CPAs who demonstrate
considerable expertise in forensic accounting
through their knowledge, skills, and experience
7Litigation case types
8Contact Us
5810 78th Street, Suite 300Bloomington, MN
55439 Kirk Kleckner cell (612)
294-8730 Office (612) 294-8730 Fax (612)
435-6241 E-mail kklecknervaluationusa.com