Title: Kitchen Remodeling Atlanta GA | Custom Residential Renovation (1)
2- The kitchen is the gathering place to eat, do
homework, and spend time together so it is
important that your kitchen is big. If you have a
small kitchen and want to renovate it can be a
nightmare because there are many ideas, plan, and
concepts that you cannot do with a small kitchen
that you can do for a large kitchen.
3On the bright side, a smaller kitchen renovation
can have its own advantages and benefits, one of
which is a lower cost to renovate. When
discussing renovation it could mean something as
do small updates to a complete kitchen makeover.
4The three most used items in the kitchen are your
kitchen sink, refrigerator, and stove and are the
three points of a triangle in a kitchen. When
doing a kitchen renovation it is best if these
three items are positioned at the three points of
a triangle.
By doing this it will give you a lot of room to
move around in your kitchen. In a kitchen, it is
recommended to have three functional areas for
food storage, food preparation, and clean up.
The walls and floors occupy a major part of any
kitchen and because of their size, they will
influence the appearance of your kitchen. This is
why you have to give attention to the walls and
The best option is to replace the flooring but it
is costly so opt to se laminate or vinyl
flooring. They come in various patterns, colors,
and designs. When you have a small kitchen, you
should paint the walls in light colors to give an
illusion of space.
6If you only have two or three people in your
family you do not need the larger capacity
kitchen appliances as they take too much space in
your kitchen. When you are doing a full kitchen
renovation, purchase the smaller, more compact,
and sleeker appliances. This can include a
refrigerator that is medium size, smaller
dishwasher, and apartment size stove.
7Lack of space is one complaint that many have
when dealing with a small kitchen. This includes
cabinet and counter space. When doing a kitchen
renovation look at your kitchen and see where you
can add more space
If there are appliances such as a coffee maker,
juicer, etc that you do not use on a regular
basic store it in a bottom cabinet to free up
counter space. If there is room on top of your
refrigerator store containers for your sugar,
flour, etc. Build more cabinet space to the top
of your cabinets
8These are just some of the ways in which you can
do a small kitchen renovation.
9BC DESIGN GROUP Website- Www.BCDesignGroup.Com
Email- info_at_designsbc.com Address- 4060
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(770) 858-5500