Title: Zoho CRM Training-Prodigm Inc.
- Lets us introduce our company..
Who we are? Our History, Process Team
Our Process Quality Business Process - Thats
what , we create for your business
Our Business Solutions Through CRM technology and
our panel of expert
Our Services Happy Clients Incredible content
is not worth unless your customers can find
it-Thats what, we help your customers discover
Contact us Doing the same thing will always
produce the same result , try new and innovative
marketing tools for better ROI and Brand
3Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a
At Prodigm we help our clients transition from
difficult to easy, from obscure to obvious, from
stressed to relaxed and from confusion to
clarity. As an experienced Zoho CRM Certified We
help you get Zoho CRM up-and-running quickly and
effectively. Specialize in marketing automation
and integrations.
Our Presidents Message
"A CRM is everything you know about everyone you
know...and what you plan to do about it -
Peter Coy, President, Prodigm Inc
Formed in 1992, Prodigm has been dedicated to
creating wealth, manageable growth and more
enjoyable work and management processes for our
Customized ZOHO CRM solutions as per your
Business needs. You get a fully integrated,
secure, cloud-based business system that is
accessible anywhere, on any device.
Our Philosophy
Our staff is highly skilled and experienced in
analyzing your challenges and suggesting and
designing a solution that will revolutionize your
To help you grow your business faster, our Six
Pillars of Success philosophy is embedded in our
entire process, helping our clients thrive in a
fast growth environment, with no ulcers. We do
the heavy-lifting of system process design,
training and data conversion and when it is
"ready to go", we hand you the keys of a fully
functional system that grows lasting value into
your organization
We understand Sales process, Marketing, Marketing
Automation, Accounting, Operations, Inventory
management, Communication management, On-line
Sales, Website transactions, Motivation, Mass
emailing, Landing pages, Lead velocity, Analytics
and advanced reporting, Surveys, Emailing
Campaigns, Process design and most of all how to
get your staff and management to enjoy and thrive
in the CRM environment
In addition to our full-time staff, we also have
a virtual staff of Zoho certified consultants and
partners throughout North America and globally
which ensures that we have the right resources
for your project..
5Our Process
How do we do it? First we implement Zoho CRM to
manage all the day-to-day sales and
customer-related operations, then we plug in the
other Zoho suite of easy-to-use products that
manage your specific business requirements. Email
Communication, Marketing, Billing, Accounting,
On-line Surveys, Support Management, Mobile Apps,
Analytics. You get a fully integrated, secure,
cloud-based business system that is accessible
anywhere, on any device. Try any of our products
for free and ask us for a free 30 minute
consultation to get you on the road to success.
6Our Process - Steps
Our process begins with discovery where we
determine what problems we are trying solve.
Discovery begins with a brief survey that helps
your team identify and coordinate the goals for
CRM. We will create a plan and project outline
for you that we work together on to fine-tune.
Configuration involves setting up a system that
fits your business needs perfectly. Creating a
system that fits your needs means no confusion or
pain later.
Administrator Training
The goal of administrator training is to put you
and your staff in charge of the system. We want
you to become as independent as possible.
7Our Process - Steps
Data Loading
We review what data you have and design a load
process to support you. We ensure that your data
is loaded properly and that you are ready when
the system goes live.
Implementation Support
When the system is implemented, we are there to
help out with any initial issues. If users and
administrators have any questions, we are
available to coach them.
User Training
User training gives users what they need to know
to do their job faster and easier. We want users
to understand and love the system.
8Our Business Solutions
9Prodigm Inc.
Bronze Package
If your business is aiming to create 25,000 or
more in annual recurring bottom-line improvement
through CRM and associated functionality
implementation, then this package of services is
for you. It includes the discovery
process, consulting, design, data conversion,
implementation and training services to speed
your goal attainment and delivers.... ...a 2 to
1 ROI in year 1 and a 10 to 1 ROI over 5 years.
10Prodigm Inc.
Silver Package
If your business is aiming to create 50,000 or
more in annual recurring bottom-line
improvement through CRM and associated
functionality implementation, then this package
of services is for you. It includes
the discovery process, consulting, design, data
conversion, implementation and training services
to speed your goal attainment and
delivers.... ...a 2 to 1 ROI in year 1 and a 10
to 1 ROI over 5 years.
11Prodigm Inc.
Gold Package
If your business is aiming to create 100,000 or
more in annual recurring bottom-line improvement
through CRM and associated functionality
implementation, then this package of services is
for you. It includes the discovery process,
consulting, design, data conversion,
implementation and training services to speed
your goal attainment and delivers... ...a 2 to 1
ROI in year 1 and a 10 to 1 ROI over 5 years.
12CRM Training
Discover how implementing a cloud-based CRM can
revolutionize your business
6 Weeks Training This is a 6-session course held
over 6 weeks with 1 session per week and is
designed for Business Owners, Senior Managers and
Sales Professionals. It includes hands-on
training, business coaching, practical advice,
insights and experience on how to use a
cloud-based CRM to make your business more
efficient and more valuable. You will learn the
"Why? and How?" to configure your own business
system and to understand the concepts and system
process choices used by successful businesses in
setting up a system that delivers huge ongoing
2 Weeks Training The course includes hands-on
training, business coaching, practical advice,
insights and experience on how to use a
cloud-based CRM to make your business more
efficient and more valuable. This 6 session
course held over two days is designed for
Business Owners and Sales Professionals for
hands-on experience using a cloud-based CRM to
make their business - Easier to run - Easier
to sell - More fun to work at - Easier to
expand - More profitable at a Lower cost.
13Contact Us
Prodigm Inc
330 Bay Street, Suite 1400, Toronto, On, M5H 2S8,
Toronto Office
24-24 Church ST S, Belleville On, K8N 0A9
Belleville Office
Contact sales_at_prodigm.ca Toll Free
1-888-683-6810 1-416-564-1446
Web- http//www.prodigm.ca/