Title: CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
1CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
2CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
CIS 502 All Assignments (2 Set) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis502mentor.com CIS 502
Week 2 Assignment 1 Web Server Application
Attacks (2 Papers) CIS 502 WEEK 6 Assignment 2
Critical Infrastructure Protection (2 Papers)
CIS 502 Week 9 Assignment 3 Cybersecurity (2
Papers) CIS 502 Week 10 Technical Paper Risk
Assessment (2 Papers) CIS 502 Week 3 Case Study
1 Advanced Persistent Threats Against RSA Tokens
(2 Papers) CIS 502 Week 4 Case Study 2 Social
Engineering Attacks and Counterintelligence (2
3CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
www.cis502mentor.com 1
Two parties are exchanging messages using public
key cryptography. Which of the following
statements describes the proper procedure for
transmitting an encrypted message?
2 Public
key cryptography is another name for
A running-key cipher can be used when
4CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
www.cis502mentor.com 1 A
security manager is developing a data
classification policy. What elements need to be
in the policy?
2 An organization employs
hundreds of office workers that use computers to
perform their tasks. What is the best plan for
informing employees about security issues?
The statement, Information systems should be
configured to require strong passwords, is an
example of a/an
5CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
www.cis502mentor.com 1
An organization recently underwent an audit of
its financial applications. The audit report
stated that there were several segregation of
duties issues that were related to IT support of
the application. What does this mean?
2 A
security manager is developing a data
classification policy. What elements need to be
in the policy?
6CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
CIS 502 Week 2 Assignment 1 Web Server
Application Attacks (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis502mentor.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers Assignment 1 Web Server
Application Attacks Due Week 2 and worth 110
points It is common knowledge that Web server
application attacks have become common in todays
digital information sharing age. Understanding
the implications and vulnerabilities of such
attacks, as well as the manner in which we may
safeguard against them is paramount, because our
demands on e-Commerce and the Internet have
increased exponentially.
7CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
CIS 502 Week 3 Case Study 1 Advanced Persistent
Threats Against RSA Tokens (2 Papers) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis502mentor.com This
Tutorial contains 2 Papers CIS 502 Week 3 Case
Study 1 Strayer New Case Study 1 Advanced
Persistent Threats Against RSA Tokens Due Week
3 and worth 100 points
8CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
CIS 502 Week 4 Case Study 2 Social Engineering
Attacks and Counterintelligence (2 Papers) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cis502mentor.com This
Tutorial contains 2 Papers CIS 502 Week 3 Case
Study 1 Strayer New Case Study 1 Advanced
Persistent Threats Against RSA Tokens Due Week
3 and worth 100 points
9CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
CIS 502 WEEK 6 Assignment 2 Critical
Infrastructure Protection (2 Papers) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis502mentor.com CIS 502
WEEK 6 ASSIGNMENT 2 Assignment 2 Critical
Infrastructure Protection Due Week 6 and worth
110 points According to the text, Critical
Infrastructure Protection (CIP) is an important
cybersecurity initiative that requires careful
planning and coordination in protecting our
10CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
CIS 502 Week 7 Case Study 3 Mobile Devices
Security (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cis502mentor.com CIS 502 Week 7 Case Study
3 Strayer New Case Study 3 Mobile Devices
Security Due Week 7 and worth 100 points The
use of mobile devices is prevalent and growing
rapidly as users heavily depend on them.
Unfortunately, attackers follow the money and
user population. In addition, mobile devices do
not receive patches for their vulnerabilities.
11CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
CIS 502 WEEK 8 CASE STUDY Mobile Device Security
and Other Threats (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis502mentor.com CIS 502 WEEK 8 CASE
STUDY Case Study Mobile Device Security and
Other Threats Due Week 8 and worth 110 points
Read the article titled, Mobile Devices Will Be
Biggest Business Security Threat in 2014,
12CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
CIS 502 Week 9 Assignment 3 Cybersecurity (2
Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cis502mentor.c
om CIS 502 Week 9 Assignment 3 Strayer New
Assignment 3 Cybersecurity Due Week 9 and
worth 50 points Cybersecurity is such an
important topic today and understanding its
implications is paramount in the security
profession. Compliance, certification,
accreditation, and assessment are critical in
understanding the legal and ethical procedures to
follow as a security professional. In support of
cybersecurity initiatives, the National
Initiative for Cyber Security Education (NICE)
has published several initiatives in regard to
protecting national security.
13CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com
CIS 502 Week 10 Technical Paper Risk Assessment
www.cis502mentor.com CIS 502 Week 10
Technical Paper Technical Paper Risk
Assessment Global Finance, Inc. Internet OC193
10Gbps Remote Dial UpUsers OC193
10Gbps DMZ Border (Core) Routers
14CIS 502 MENTOR Great Stories/cis502mentor.com