Title: Curing Lime Based Renders & Mortars
1Curing Lime Based Renders Mortars
2A lime binder must be cured once it has been
placed because it requires time to fully hydrate
before it acquires strength and hardness. Curing
is the process of keeping the mortar/render under
a specific environmental condition until
hydration is relatively complete.
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5Good curing is typically considered to use a
moist environment which promotes
hydration. Increased hydration lowers
permeability and increases strength, resulting in
a higher quality material. Allowing the
mortar/render/concrete surface to dry out
excessively can result in tensile stresses. The
still-hydrating interior cannot withstand these
stresses, causing the mortar/render/concrete to
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7Protecting Lime Renders
8Standard practice for protecting lime renders
would be in the form of Hessian sheeting draped
over the scaffold in relatively close proximity
to the render. This should be left in place for
at least a week. This is a standard requirement
for any kind of rendering and one that is
regrettably seldom practiced. Once again its
very important for the hydration/hardening phase
of the binder.
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11Cornish Lime stock four grades of Hessian 229,
273, 320 360 GSM (Grammes per Square) Metre
where the weight is relevant to the weave and
amount of fabric used per square metre. The most
commonly used for curing is the 229 273 GSM,
the heavier fabric is more generally used for
frost protection.
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13When appropriate we would advise the addition of
a proprietary polypropylene or fiberglass
reinforcing fibres added to the mix as an aid to
control shrinkage cracking in the base coats.
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