Title: Glass Sliding Doors Manufacturer
1Leading Glass Sliding Doors Manufacturer and
2The Duraslide range of automatic sliding doors
has been well-developed and perfectly harmonized.
They set new benchmarks in terms of safety,
durability, operating comfort and noise-free
operation. For places with very large openings,
normal doors may face problems related to clear
opening and stability. This situation can be
resolved with Duraslide make sliding doors.
3Our doors are always a perfect solution for wide
extra large door openings. Constructed with
they are very strong and rigid structure. A wide
range of customization is possible as every doors
are manufactured in-house based on the
international quality and safety guidelines.
4The design of traditional sliding doors has two
panel sections, one is fixed-stationary and the
other one is mobile to slide open. You can have
customized window treatments that can prove
expensive, but with a little creativity, a
beautiful focal point can be created in any room
within the home.
5Usually the movable panel slides in a fixed track
and in its own plane which is parallel to the
neighbouring stationary panel. The specialty form
provides traditional materials for sliding panel
doors for both interior uses and contemporary
adaptations for exterior exposure. They are used
in themed and contemporary restaurants,
residences, Japanese garden tea houses and
several other places.
6Another type of sliding door design is glass
pocket doors in which all the glass panels slide
completely into open-wall pockets and totally
disappear for a wall-less 'wide open'
indoor-outdoor room experience. This type can
include corner window walls for even more
blurring of the open space distinction for both
inside and outside.
7Two story versions are often opened
electronically using remote controls. For wide
expanses the opening point is centred, and three
to six parallel tracks are used to carry the six
to twelve sliding doors into the wall pockets on
each side. Their recent popularity, shelter
magazine coverage and technical structural
innovations has brought several options to market
8The third sliding door design has every glass
panels suspended from above, which leaves a
trackless and uninterrupted floor plane. They
also disappear into side pockets and on their
final closure they drop down slightly to create a
weatherproof seal.
9Sliding glass doors are very popular throughout
Singapore which are used in hotel rooms,
restaurants, apartments and residences for large
views out - enhanced natural light in and to
increase fresh incoming air. Sliding glass doors
have given homes more light while allowing easier
access to porches, the patio and gardens.
10Sliding doors have evolved into modern
high-quality style while proving energy efficient
and safe for the whole family. The traditional
doors are most often used in residential
interiors to allow daylight to penetrate further
into the dwelling and expand the sense of
interior spatial size. Duraslide Pte Ltd aims to
provide the most wide-ranging service to the
construction and private sectors.
11Duraslide has emerged as a leading manufacturer
and supplier of glass sliding doors and has
specialized in Manual/ automatic glass door
(sliding/swing), Slide Stack System, Glass
works such as shop front, shower screen,
skylight, glass railing, stainless steel railing,
staircase, cladding etc.
12To Order Find Out More Information On Glass
Contractors Singapore Please Come And Visit Us
Today Onwards..!
Duraslide Pte Ltd Contact Us 162 Tagore
Lane, Singapore -787571 Tel 65 6841
2133 Fax 65 6841 2177 Email
enquiries_at_duraslide.com.sg Web