Title: Castor oil for Hair & Care Treatment
1 Castor oil For Skin Hair care
- 100 Pure Cold Pressed Castor Oil for treating
various skin and hair ailments. Castor oil also
helps to remove Dirt, Make-Up and get effective
treatment for getting rid of acne or no more skin
2Get ready for your skin and face to instantly
fall in love with your new blemish free and
healthy looking supple skin. For your face, Aria
Starr Beautys Castor Oil will remove dirt,
grime, make-up, and dry skin leaving your face
supple and delicious. Its also an effective
treatment for getting rid of acne, remove acne
spots and scars, body moisturizer, no more
terribly flaky dry legs, skin will stay
moisturized all day, smooth skin, even skin tone,
no more skin discoloration, reduces pigmentation,
minimizes fine lines and wrinkles, reduces dark
circles, eliminates eye bags, fades stretch
marks, helps minor skin infections, and helps
athletes foot.
3Enjoy having young healthy gorgeous thicker hair
once again. Your kinky curly hair will feel
softer than it has ever been. No more breakage
when detangled or manipulated. Say goodbye to
your hair falling out, shedding terribly,
tangling, ends dry and brittle, thinning, dry
scalp and dandruff. No more clumps of hair on
your brush. Say hello to thicker eyebrows and
4Aria Starr Beauty 7056 Archibald Ave, Suite
102-253 Corona, CA 92880 customerservice_at_ariastarr