Title: PAD 505 RANK Imagine Your Future /pad505rank.com (1)
1PAD 505 RANK Imagine Your Future /pad505rank.com
2PAD 505 RANK Imagine Your Future /pad505rank.com
PAD 505 Assignment 1 The Operating Budget FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pad505rank.com Assignmen
t 1 The Operating Budget Due Week 4 and worth 250
points Write a four to five (4-5) page paper,
titled Part I The Operating Budget for the
(Selected Agency) in which you separate the
content into sections 1. Provide background
information about the agency, mission, goals,
objectives, departments, and strategic plan.
(Title this section Introduction.)
3PAD 505 RANK Imagine Your Future/pad505rank.com
PAD 505 Assignment 2 The Capital Budget FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pad505rank.com Assignmen
t 2The Capital Budget Due Week 6 and worth 280
points Refer the Scenario for Assignments 1e e
5. Forecast salaries, revenue estimating, and
prepare the capital budget. Using the budget from
the selected agency, write a five to six
(5-6)page paper in which you Analyze the
agencys compensation for employees. Provide a
rationale on what the costs and benefits would be
for a 2 percent, 4 percent, or 5 percent pay
increase for the fiscal year 2014.
4PAD 505 RANK Imagine Your Future/pad505rank.com
PAD 505 Assignment 3 Presenting the Budget FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pad505rank.com Assignmen
t 3 Presenting the Budget Due Week 8 and worth
300 points Refer the Scenario for Assignments 1e
e 5. Prepare the financial plan and budget
justification proposal. The agency is contracted
to work with New York City on several capital
projects. To proceed with
5PAD 505 RANK Imagine Your Future/pad505rank.com
PAD 505 Assignment 4 Implementing the Budget
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pad505rank.com Assi
gnment 4 Implementing the Budget Due Week 9 and
worth 225 points Refer the Scenario for
Assignments 1e 5. Prepare a variance report for
theselected agency. Refer to Table 8.4 in Chapter
8 (page 133). Write a three to four (3-4) page
paper addressing the criteria below.(NoteChange
the title of the report to reflect the selected
agencys name and the years to 2013-2014.)
6PAD 505 RANK Imagine Your Future/pad505rank.com
PAD 505 Assignment 5 Multiyear Plans and
www.pad505rank.com Assignment 5 Multiyear
Plans and Analysis Due Week 10 and worth 200
points Preparation Review the document titled
City of Charlottesville 2010 Annual
Comprehensive Plan located in the course
shell. Write a three to four (3-4) page paperin
which you
7PAD 505 RANK Imagine Your Future/pad505rank.com