Title: Protect Your Home with General Cockroach Control Techniques (1)
1Protect Your Home with General Cockroach Control
2Cockroaches are a complete nuisance to our homes
and theres no debating that. They are all the
more bothersome due to their tininess and
uncontrolled population. Not only do they destroy
our clothes, books and other household items,
they also pose a potential threat of causing very
serious health hazards due to the bacteria they
carry with them. Though the general consensus is
that professional pest control services work best
in getting rid of cockroaches, there are certain
simple cockroach control techniques you can do to
protect your home.
The very first step in controlling the
cockroach infestation is to know how bad the
situation is. Look for signs of a cockroach
infestation like dead or live cockroaches, their
egg shells and droppings in places like the
kitchen (every nook and corner of the area and
those around appliances), bathroom, laundry room
and basements if you got one. The larger the sign
of cockroach activity, larger the infestation.
3Once the inspection is done, there are three
basic steps you can take to control the cockroach
4Removal of Food
Cockroaches enter households for the main purpose
of finding food. When you cut off all food
sources available to them, they will start to
look for it elsewhere. Keep all food containers
tightly sealed. Clean the entire home thoroughly
so that not food scraps are found lying around,
including all the tiniest of cracks and crevices.
Cover all garbage bins properly so that they
dont attract cockroaches. Basically, make sure
the cockroaches cant access any of your food,
even the waste.
5Removal of Water
Like all living organisms, cockroaches need water
to survive. They prefer habituating warm and damp
places where there is a constant supply of water.
Making sure there are no water leakages or places
where water could get collected is the next step
towards cockroach control. Making sure they do
not have access to water or damp areas will
eventually result in the population dying out or
6Removal of Shelter
Removing the preferred habitats and breeding
ground of the cockroaches will effectively
control their infestation. They tend to live in
tiny spaces that offer a snug fit like cracks and
crevices. They also tend to breed in old, unused
household products like old toys, cardboard
boxes, etc. Sealing every crack and crevice in
your home shut and removing all unused items and
de-cluttering your home will effectively starve
them of shelter.
he above mentioned steps are the most basic
methods you can do by yourself to control the
cockroach infestation in your home. These steps
will help you cut off the basic necessities for
their survival. If these arent enough for you,
you can go ahead with further steps like trapping
or killing them to aid in faster extermination.
You can of course call a professional pest
control services to do the job for you to make
sure the deed is done thoroughly and