Title: Ewater Health Emporium
1EP2 Stress Reducing EMF Protection Pendant
From Ewater.com
2EP2 Stress Reducing EMF Protection Pendant
- Protection from physical drain due to our
negative thoughts. - Protection from harmful energy coming from
electronics. - Can be used to energize consumables.
- Protection from cell phone and satellite
radiation. Environmental Chaos
3EP2 Stress Reducing EMF Protection Pendant
The EP2 Concept
By accessing exceptionally high harmonic
frequencies found naturally in our environment
and amplifying them, we create a naturally
expanded bio-photon activated field of coherence.
Like darkness meeting light, chaos, when
encountering this coherence simply cannot stay
chaotic. This provides superb protection from the
chaos emanating from computers, cell phones,
wifi, Bluetooth and electrical wiring. We are
even protected from the physiological drain of
our negative thoughts. The EP2 is outstanding
for energizing food and beverages, as providing
abundant support for cellular vitality and
adrenal function.
4EP2 Stress Reducing EMF Protection Pendant
How It Helps
When your cells are hit with the microwaves (cell
phone waves) your cells go from being open and
communicating to a shut-down defensive state.
Normally the cell will return to its happy state
but with the constant attack from negative
energy, cell phones, microwaves, etc.. our cells
are in a perpetually shut down mode. This can
result in persistent exhaustion. The coherence
resulting from wearing the EP2 Stress Pendant may
prevent a cell from shutting down, while allowing
those cells already shut down to feel safe again
and go back to their open state.
5Learn more about the EP2 Stress Reducing EMF
Protection Pendant