LSAT 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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LSAT 2017


LSAT—India is a standardized test of reading and verbal reasoning skills designed by the USA–based Law School Admission Council (LSAC) for use by law schools in India. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: LSAT 2017

LSAT India 2017
  • Exam Structure and Syllabus
About LSAT India
  • LSATIndia is a standardized test of reading and
    verbal reasoning skills designed by the USAbased
    Law School Admission Council (LSAC) for use by
    law schools in India.
  • The LSATIndia will be administered in multiple
    cities on 21st May 2017.
  • LSATIndia is a paper-and-pencil test with four
  • Test duration 2 hours and 20 minutes Question
    type Multiple Choice format
  • Registration Fee Rs. 3800/-
  • Registration Window Candidates can register for
    LSATIndia through ONLINE mode only.
LSAT India Registration/Student Application
  • After obtaining the LSATIndia registration
    number, the candidate must download the
    application form from the associated college. The
    college admission application forms will require
    candidates to mention their LSATIndia
    registration number. Candidates must ensure that
    they write their LSATIndia registration number
    at the given place in the Application Form of the
    associated colleges.
  • All registrants who complete the test
    registration, pay the test fee in a timely way,
    and follow published test rules may sit for the
    LSATIndia. It is the candidates responsibility
    to understand the eligibility requirements of the
    associated law schools before deciding to
    register for the LSATIndia. Test Scores of
    students writing the LSATIndia will be
    transmitted to the Associated Colleges.
As you know, the LSATIndia is a test of
analytical reasoning, logical reasoning, and
reading comprehension including comparative
reading. What is the best method to learn how to
approach these types of questions before you face
them on the day of the test? You are advised to
use the following preparation materials.
It is recommended that students should rummage
through the explanations and grasp the manner in
which the questions can be answered.
  • Analytical Reasoning questions
  • Logical Reasoning questions
  • Reading Comprehension questions
  • Date of Exam
  • The Law School Admission Test (LSAT 2017) will be
    held on May 21, 2017.
  • Eligibility
  • LSAT-India is a standardized test of reading and
    verbal reasoning skills designed by the USA-based
    Law School Admission Council (LSAC) being used by
    law schools in India. In order to appear for the
    examination, all the candidates need to be
    intermediate (class12) pass from a recognized
    state board/university.
Question Paper pattern
  • All questions will be based in a multiple-choice
  • Some questions will have four answer choices and
    others will carry five
  • Candidates are not allowed to go back to an
    earlier section or forward to a later one even if
    they finish a section before time.
  • Section Number of Questions Timing
  • Analytical Reasoning Approx. 24 35
  • Logical Reasoning (1) Approx. 24 35
  • Logical Reasoning (2) Approx. 24
    35 minutes
  • Reading Comprehension Approx. 24 35
  • Total 4 sections 92-100 questions
    140 minutes

LSAT centres
  • North Chandigarh, Delhi (NCR), Jaipur, Lucknow
  • South Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kochi
  • East Bhubaneswar, Kolkata, Raipur, Ranchi
  • West Ahmedabad, Bhopal, Mumbai, Nagpur
  • How to apply for LSAT
  • To apply for LSAT , visit their official website
Important Links
  • AILET 2017 Details, Pattern SET Exam Details,
  • Explore these above worthy options with proper
    guidance from a coaching institute like OPUS to
    ensure that you are able to perform well in these
    tests. These alternatives to CLAT are likely to
    take you to your destination of joining a good
    law college in India. Whether you make it to
    AILET, SET or LSAT-India, rest assured that OPUS
    has given you the right guidance and shown the
    right direction to build a career in law. Genuine
    well-wishers who take interest in your
    career-building are rare to come across. OPUS is
    one such mentor who provides you with the right
    information and tells you to pick up the right
    moves in order to make wise career decisions.
    There is still time left to wake up. Instead of
    brooding over the result of the CLAT, get up and
    try your luck in these exams as well!
Best of luck!
  • OPUS
  • 91 988 335 555091 (033) 4003 4556
  • 4A Elgin Road,
  • Kolkata - 700026
  • (Sony Centre / Next to Bhawanipur College) 2nd
    Floor / Kolkata West Bengal, India.
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