Title: 5 Microsoft Video Conferencing Software Choices
15 Microsoft Video Conferencing Software Choices V
ideo conf erenc ing is no longer considered a
luxury. Without the assistance of this ubiquitous
technology, businesses, and corporations w orldw
ide w ould find themselves unable to get the job
done. Currently, many companies offer video
conferencing opportunities, but there are several
Microsoft video conferencing softw are choices
that deserve your attention. Allow us to
introduce our five best Microsoft video
conference softw are options.
1. Microsoft's Skype for Business
It allow s professionals to start a free meeting
or add the complete Skype application for the
Business meeting package that includes file
storage, sharing, and Office applications, all of
w hich are part of the Office 365 Business
Premium plan. This option is for small
businesses, just starting up, and that are on a
relatively strict budget. 2. Cloud PBX Cloud
PBX(private branch exchange), PSTN (public sw
itched telephone netw ork) conferencing and other
commercial features, peruse the Office 365
Enterpr ise E5 plan. Enterprise 5 has all the
features of E3, along w ith a new unified
communications solutions class boasting advanced
Skype for Business meetings and voice
2- This iteration of Microsoft video conferencing
softw are is top of the line. The application is
for large companies w ith plenty of expendable
income and is excellent for running their
offices. Everything a business needs to operate
and interact w ithin their organization, w ith
other businesses and customers far and w ide
comes w ith this package. - 3. Office 365 Business Essentials
- It allow s ow ners, managers, and employees to
get their w ork done w herever they are. Using
Word, Pow erPoint, Excel, and OneNote files,
accomplishing the day's w ork is a breeze. - Business Essentials also allow s the business'
community to sync, store, and edit in real time,
along w ith sharing their files online. And, of
course, this plan includes Microsoft video
conferencing softw are, instant messaging, and
Skype connectivity. Also, included in this option
are - PSTN conferencing
- Cloud-based call management w ith PSTN
- advanced analytics
- advanced data governance
- advanced eDiscovery
- advanced security and advanced threat protection
w ith customer lockbox - enhanced visibility
- control of Office 365 environment
3- Yammer
- Microsoft Planner, and more
- Finding a w ork management plan to fit the needs
of your business, employees, and customers is no
easy task. It is helpful to know that a company,
around since the beginning, that has w orked w
ith Internet users for so long, can now be
depended upon to supply everything necessary to
make running your business or store a little bit
easier. - Microsoft video conferencing softw are is as
intuitive and as exciting as you imag ine it w
ould be. To see all the plans Microsoft Office
offers, please use the list below - Office 365 Student
- Office 365 Home
- Office 365 Portal
- Office 365 Business
- Office 365 ProPlus
- Office 365 Enterprise E5
- Office 365 Business Essentials
- Office 365 Enterprise E1
- Office 365 Enterprise K1
- Office 365 Business Premium
- Office 365 Enterprise E3
Also Check video conferencing systems for
business https//w ww .eztalks.com/video-conferenc
polycom video conf erence system https//w ww
tem-comparison.html hardw are for video
conferencing https//w ww .eztalks.com/video-conf
erence/best-video-conferencing-hardw are.html