Title: The basics of kitchen design
1The Basics of Kitchen Design
Presented By My Kitchen Star
2Introduction Kitchen is the heart of a house. It
is the place where foods are cooked and people
have their meal inside it. So kitchen design
plays an important role to enhance the look of a
house. Kitchen design Central Coast will help to
have some ideas about kitchen design.
- Lazy Susan
- Drwer inserts
- Pantry
- Tilt-out drawers at sinks
- Roll-out shelves
- Tray dividers for baking sheets
4Planning for Kitchen Design Before starting the
kitchen design job one should focus these
following sections 1. Design 2. Layout of
kitchen 3. Work center 4. Work section
5Characteristics of a Good Kitchen
1. A good kitchen includes proper lighting,
bright color and proper space management. 2. The
floor of the kitchen should be durable and good
material. 3. Exhaust fan is helpful in removing
odours and smoke. 4. A general central light and
a light over each working area is important.
6T H A N K Y O U
MyKitchenStar MKS Kitchens Joinery Showroom
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