Title: Fixing Brother’s Printer Paper Feed Issue
1Fixing Brothers Printer Paper Feed Issue
2Like every other printer, Brother Devices does
require continuous maintenance so that they
function properly. And the maintenance of this
device depends upon certain factors like how
regularly device is used, how many prints are
taken out on daily basis. But there are other
issues as well which hampers the process of
printing. You will also notice your device is
having trouble in getting paper out of the feeder
which can be due to either separation roller,
dirty pickup or both. Due to paper dust or other
airborne remains are deposited over rollers.
3How to fix paper feed issue of Brother
Printer Below are the steps with the help of
which you can resolve the paper feed problem of
your device-
4Step 1 First power off the device. And then
disconnect it from the wall outlet. Step 2
Unload the paper tray from the device. Now have a
look on the paper tray from inside. You can see
the separation roller as well as pick up roller.
Carefully examine the rollers surface to find if
they are dirty. Step 3 With the help of
microfiber cloth that has been dipped in water,
clear the rollers. Let the rollers dry for some
time. Avoid using any cleaning solutions or don't
rub alcohol on the rollers surface.
5Step 4 Now rebuild the device and plug the power
cable into the wall outlet. Power on the printer
and use it normally. In this way, you can clean
and fix the paper feeder issue of the Brother
Printer. Call Brother Support New Zealand for
further assistance with the issue above at
6If you need further help and guidance, then you
can reach our technicians and experts at Brother
Technical Support Number 64-04-8879101. Our
professionals are here to help you in resolving
any printer related query and will offer you the
better working experience with the device. You
can also contact us via live chat with the
experts directly as they are available 24/7 at
your service. Or drop us an email stating your
issue and we will get back to you with suitable
7Brother Printer Support is one of the best
Printer in the world. If you have any issues
related Brother Printer then contact us at this
Number 64-04-8879101. We are available 24/7 for
your help. Original Source