Internet and Ethics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Internet and Ethics


An Introduction – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Internet and Ethics

Ethics and Internet
  • Presented By
  • Group4
  • BSIT-8th-Mor
  • Dept. of Computer Science
  • University of Okara

  • Internet ethics
  • Intellectual property issue
  • Cyber crimes
  • Pretending someone else
  • Sending offensive messages
  • Cyber hacking
  • Cyber stalking
  • Spreading false information
  • Hate speech
  • Spamming
  • Malicious code
  • References

Internet Ethics?
  • Internet ethics means an acceptable behavior for
    using internet. One should be honest, respect the
    rights and property of others on the internet
  • Internet ethics are set of moral principles that
    govern the usage of Internet.

Safety Measures for Ethics
  • There are four effective approaches who want to
    ensure they are doing the right thing online
  • Have a basic understanding of the technology.
  • Attend seminars or classes for using internet
  • Determine what standards have been established
    for internet use for study or entertainment.
  • Create a set of rules relating to both ethics and
    safety and follow them strictly to avoid any
    cyber crime.

  • Acceptance
  • World Wide Web is place where values are
    considered in a broadest sense. So, must take
    care while shaping content and services ,
    internet is not apart from universal society but
    it is a primary component of it.
  • Sensitivity to National and Local Cultures
  • It belongs to all and there is no barrier of
    national and local cultures. It cannot be subject
    to one set of values like local TV channel or
  • Communication Standards
  • Internet must be used for communication with
    family and friends. We should not use the
    internet chatting for communicating with
    strangers and should not forward the e-mails from

One Should
  • Only share on internet and download virus-free
    files from any website.
  • Understand that not all online information is
    reliable and Won't give strangers any personal
    information such as telephone number or address.
  • Never purchase or use any pirated software,
    respect Intellectual Property Rights and won't
    download any pirated MP3 music and videos.
  • Only use copyrighted materials with permission
    from owner.
  • Try to prevent a hacker's attack using security
  • Avoid any unhealthy and problematic materials

Do or Dont
Intellectual Property Issue
  • Patents
  • are used to protect new, and sometimes improved
    products. Patents guard inventions. The owner of
    a patent has the exclusive right to make, sell,
    or otherwise use and profit from a tangible item
    for a certain period of time.
  • Trademarks
  • are used to protect logos or brands. Trademarks
    help distinguish businesses from one another. The
    right to a trademark is automatically assumed
    once a business starts using a unique and
    particular name or logo.

  • Service Marks
  • are used to protect new or innovative services.
    Service marks help distinguish businesses that
    provide services from one another. Service marks
    work the same as trademarks, but are exclusively
    used by businesses that are service providers.
    Lawyers, doctors, landscapers and hairstylists
    are just a few examples of service providers.
  • Copyrights
  • are rights, enforceable by laws, accorded to
    inventor or creator of intellectual property,
    such as literary, dramatic, musical, pictorial,
    graphic, and artistic. The plagiarist knows that
    he/she is not the true author of the work and
    puts his/her name on the work thereby concealing
    the true author's name and get reward.

Cyber Crime and Their Punishments
Pakistan(2015) and Indian(2008) Cyber Laws
Pretending someone else (Indian law)
  • One should not use the internet to pretend as
  • else and fool others.
  • It causes harm to that person even it is
    impersonated intentionally
  • Court finds that the impersonation was wrongful
    because it is against societys morals.
  • State can prosecute someone under the crime of
    crime injuria for infringing another persons

Sending offensive messages (Indian law)
  • Section 66A of the Information Technology
    (Amendment) Act, 2008 prohibits the sending of
    offensive messages though a communication device
  • Message that the sender knows to be false but is
    sent for the purpose of causing annoyance,
    inconvenience, danger, obstruction, insult,
    injury, criminal intimidation, enmity, hatred, or
    ill will.
  • If youre booked under Section 66A, you could
    face up to 3 years of imprisonment along with a

Cyber Stalking (Pak law)
  • If you try to get into a relation with someone
    online through internet website, email, SMS,
    phone or any communication tool despite there is
    disinterest from the other party
  • You repeatedly call someone, despite the other
    party asks you to not to
  • You send emails with no interest shown by the
    other party
  • You do something in a manner that other party is
    harassed out of your actions
  • Punishment will be jailed for three years or
    imposed a fine which may extend to one million
    rupees or with both.

Cyber Hacking (Indian law)
  • It is the most common type of Cyber crime being
    committed across the world.
  • Hacking has been defined in section 66 of The
    Information Technology Act, 2000 as follows
  • "whoever with the intent to cause or knowing
    that he is likely to cause wrongful loss or
    damage to the public or any person destroys or
    deletes or alters any information residing in a
    computer resource or diminishes its value or
    utility or affects it injuriously by any means
    commits hacking".
  • Punishment for hacking is three years or fine
    which may extend up-to two lakh rupees or both.

Spreading False Information (Pak law)
  • Whoever intentionally and publicly displays any
    information through any information system, which
    he knows to be false and intimidates or harms the
    reputation or privacy of a natural person
  • You know that an information is wrong and you
    still post or share it on Facebook about a person
    that damages his/her reputation
  • Shall be punished with imprisonment for a term
    which may extend to three years or with fine
    which may extend to one million rupees or with

Making/Spreading Explicit Images or Videos of an
Individual (Pak law)
  • Cultivates or brings a natural person to engage
    in a sexually explicit act through an information
    system to harm a natural person or his reputation
    or to take revenge, or to create hatred or to
  • Example photoshop an Image of a person ,
    broadcast / post such video or images on Facebook
    or through any other medium such as WhatsApp,
    YouTube etc.
  • He/she shall be punished with imprisonment for a
    term which may extend to five years or with fine
    which may extend to five million rupees or with

Hate Speech(Pak law)
  • Whoever prepares or distributes information,
    through any information system or device that
    triggers inter-faith, sectarian or racial hatred
  • Post messages on Facebook that can trigger
    inter-faith or sectarian avoidance, write a blog
    that triggers ethnic hatred
  • Shall be punished with imprisonment for a term
    which may extend to seven years or with fine or
    with both.

Glorification of an offence (Pak law)
  • Whoever prepares or spreads information through
    any information system or device with the intent
    to glorify an offence relating to terrorism, or
    any person convicted of a crime relating to
    terrorism, or activities of prescribed
    organizations or individuals or groups e.g.
  • Post on Facebook about Taliban and say that they
    are good people
  • SMS someone and say that al-Qaida people will go
    to heaven
  • Own a website that preaches about suicide bombing
  • Shall be punished with imprisonment for a term
    may extend to seven years or with fine which may
    extend to ten million rupees or with both.

Spamming (Pak law)
  • Anyone (an individual or an organization) can be
    fined with up to Rs. 50,000 for the first and
    three months of jail if they
  • Send spam emails/SMS without permission of
  • Send emails without unsubscribe options
  • Send emails with
  • Harmful fraudulent emails
  • Misleading email
  • Illegal email

Malicious Code (Pak law)
  • Whoever writes, offers, makes available,
    distributes or transmits malicious code with
    intent to cause harm to any information system or
  • Resulting in the corruption, destruction,
    alteration suppression, theft or loss of the
    information system or data
  • E.g. ..Write a virus, write a code that can be
    used to destruct a hard drive, develop a mobile
    app to spy someone, develop an app to spread
    virus DDoS attack someone
  • Shall be punished with imprisonment for a term
    which may extend to two years or with fine which
    may extend to one million rupees or with both.

  • Http//
  • https//
  • http//
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