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MAT 126 Entire Course
MAT 126 Week 1 DQ 1MAT 126 Week 1 QuizMAT 126
Week 1 Written Assignment (Arithmetic and
geometric sequence)MAT 126 Week 2 DQ 1MAT 126
Week 2 DQ 2MAT 126 Week 2 Assignment Is It Fat
FreeMAT 126 Week 2 QuizMAT 126 Week 3 DQ 1MAT
126 Week 3 DQ 2
3MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Entire Course
MAT 126 Week 1 DQ 1MAT 126 Week 1 QuizMAT 126
Week 1 Written Assignment (Arithmetic and
geometric sequence)MAT 126 Week 2 DQ 1MAT 126
Week 2 DQ 2MAT 126 Week 2 Assignment Is It Fat
FreeMAT 126 Week 2 QuizMAT 126 Week 3 DQ 1MAT
126 Week 3 DQ 2
4MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Week 1 DQ 1
All numbers in our real number system are the
product of prime numbers. Complete the following
steps for this discussion List the ages of two
people in your life, one older than you and one
younger than you. It would be best if the younger
person was 15 years of age or younger. Find the
prime factorizations of your age and the other
two persons ages. Show your work listed by name
and age. Make sure your work is clear and concise.
5MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Week 1 Quiz
MAT 126 Week 1 Quiz  1. Question Upon
examining the contents of 38 backpacks, it was
found that 23 contained a black pen, 27 contained
a blue pen, and 21 contained a pencil, 15
contained both a black pen and a blue pen, 12
contained both a black pen and a pencil, 18
contained both a blue pen and a pencil, and 10
contained all three items. How many backpacks
contained exactly two of the three writing
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MAT 126 Week 1 Written Assignment (Arithmetic and
geometric sequence)
Assignment Following completion of your readings,
complete exercises 35 and 37 in the Real World
Applications section on page 280 of Mathematics
in Our World. For each exercise, specify
whether it involves an arithmetic sequence or a
geometric sequence and use the proper formulas
where applicable. Format your math work as shown
in the Week One Assignment Guide and be concise
in your reasoning. Plan the logic necessary to
complete the exercise before you begin writing.
For an example of the math required for this
assignment, please review the Week One Assignment
7MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Week 2 Assignment Is It Fat Free
Following completion of your weekly readings,
read Are You Sure Its Fat Free? on page 286 of
Mathematics in Our World. Gather three of your
favorite packaged foods perhaps one from each
breakfast, lunch and dinner. Use the model
explained in the Are You Sure Its Fat Free? to
analyze, through the mathematical formula
explained, the fat content and protein content
from your foods. To analyze the protein content
use 4 calories per gram of protein, rather than
the 9 calories for grams of fat.
8MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Week 2 DQ 1
This Discussion should be an eye opener for most
students. We will look at our food shopping
trends and how we spend our money. The outcomes
should reveal some interesting facts. 1. Save a
cash register receipt from a shopping trip to the
food market, or borrow one from a family member
or friend. The cost of four prepackaged food
items that are sold by weight and the cost of at
least three fresh fruits, or vegetables need to
appear on the receipt. If you have no access to a
receipt with these items, then you will need to
go to the store and write down the cost
information, or find a grocery advertisement
online. Do not use liquids such as milk, juice,
or soda because these are sold by volume and not
by weight. Also, do not include ingredients like
flour, sugar, oil, dry beans, etc. because these
items are not prepackaged foods.
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MAT 126 Week 2 DQ 2
- This Discussion will help us learn to develop our
own mathematical models, write down the equations
and then solve the equations for unknown values
using algebraic methods. - Refer back to Week One Discussion and use the
names and ages of yourself and the other two
people you selected. Make sure one is older than
you and one is younger than you. - In years, how old was the older person when you
were born? - Write an equation that models how old in years
each of you will be, when your ages add up to 150
years old. For example, if x your age and the
eldest person was a year older than you, you
would write their age as x 1. Then the equation
would be x (x1) 150.
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MAT 126 Week 2 Quiz
Week 2 1. Question Multiply. 1B7twelve x
29twelve 2. Question Find the value of 327 in
the mod 7 system. 3. Question Determine the
place value of the digit 8 in the number
3,684,159. 4. Question Evaluate (3 4) 1 in
the mod 5 system. 5. Question An arithmetic
student needs at least a 70 average to receive
credit for the course. If she scored 86, 77,
and 64 on the first three exams, what is the
lowest score she can get on the fourth exam to
receive credit for the course?
11MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Week 3 Assignment Quadratic Equations
Following completion of your weekly readings,
complete the exercises in the Projects section
on page 397 of Mathematics in Our World.You
should be concise in your reasoning. For Project
1, work only equations (a) and (c), but complete
all 6 steps (a-f) as shown in the example. For
Project 2, please select at least five numbers
0 (zero), two even, and two odd. Make sure you
organize your paper into separate projects.
12MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Week 3 DQ 1
This Discussion will concentrate on functions and
graphs. Understanding the definitions of words is
the essence of mathematics. When we understand
the meaning of words, finding a solution is much
easier because we know what task the problem is
asking us to complete. Part 1 In your own
words, define the word function. Give your own
example of a function using a set of at least 4
ordered pairs. The domain will be any four
integers between 0 and 10. The range will be any
four integers between -12 and 5. Your example
should not be the same as those of other students
or the textbook. There are thousands of possible
13MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Week 3 DQ 2
This Discussion tests your ability to use a ruler
and convert from Standard English measure to
Metrics. You will then apply your knowledge of
the geometric measurements of area and volume
through real world problems. 1. Choose a room in
your house. Measure the length, the width, and
the height. Make sure you use feet and inches.
Most rooms are not a whole number, such as 10
feet they are 10 feet and 3 inches, or 9 feet 6
inches, etc.
14MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Week 3 Quiz
Week 3 1. Question Find the circumference and
area of the circle if d 30. Use ?
3.14. Â 2. Question Find the vertex of the
parabola. y -4x2 - 16x - 11 Â 3. Question
Find the domain and range of the relation, and
state whether or not the relation is a
function. (3, 9), (3, 10), (3, 11), (3, 12)
15MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 week 4 Assignment Pythagorean Triples
Assignment Following completion of your
readings, complete exercise 4 in the Projects
section on page 620 of Mathematics in Our
World. Make sure you build or generate at least
five more Pythagorean Triples using one of the
many formulas available online for doing this.
After building your triples, verify each of them
in the Pythagorean Theorem equation. The
assignment must include (a) all math work
required to answer the problems as well as (b)
introduction and conclusion paragraphs.
16MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Week 4 DQ 1
The purpose of this Discussion is to analyze a
financial plan that portrays a somewhat typical
budgeting scheme. You will calculate expenses, a
mortgage payment, and the effects of interest and
financing on your budget. Show your math work for
every answer and identify the answers with
words. 1.Select the first three letters of your
last name. Each letter has a numerical place
value in the alphabet. For example, D is 4, L is
12, and Z is 26. Add the three place values
together. For example, Wallace would yield WAL,
which is 23112 36. Multiply your sum by
1500. This is your yearly income for Week Four
Discussion 1.
17MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Week 4 DQ 2
This Discussion allows you to demonstrate your
understanding of the similarities and differences
between classical probability and empirical
probability. In your own words, describe two main
differences between classical and empirical
probabilities. Gather coins you find around your
home or in your pocket or purse. You will need an
even number of coins (any denomination) between
16 and 30. You do not need more than that. Put
all of the coins in a small bag or container big
enough to allow the coins to be shaken around.
Shake the bag well and empty the coins onto a
table. Tally up how many heads and tails are
showing. Do ten repetitions of this experiment,
and record your findings every time.
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MAT 126 Week 4 Quiz
Week 4 1. Question A single card is drawn from
a deck. What is the probability of getting a
queen or a king? Â 2. Question In a shop
there are 20 customers, 18 of whom will make a
purchase. If three customers are selected, one at
a time, at random, what is the probability that
all will make a purchase? Â 3. Question A coat
was reduced from 250 to 200. Find the percent
of the reduction in price. Â
19MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Week 5 Assignment Misinterpretation or
Assignment Following completion of your
readings, answer the following two questions from
Chapter 12 Supplement of Mathematics in Our
World. Select one even problem from exercises 1
through 10 on page 810. Select one even problem
from exercises 11 through 22 on pages 811-812.
As you answer the questions above, identify what
types of misrepresentation or misuse have been
demonstrated by referring to the bold headings in
the Chapter 12 Supplement (e.g., Suspect
Samples, Asking Biased Questions, Misleading
Graphs, etc.).
20MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Week 5 DQ 1
This Discussion will give you the opportunity to
calculate or identify the three measures of
central tendency. You will be asked to select an
appropriate real life situation in which one
measure would be more appropriate than the other
two measures of center. Select a topic of
interest to you and record the topic in your
posting, for example What is the average number
of hours people watch TV every week? Make sure
the question you ask will be answered with a
number, rather than answers with words. Write a
hypothesis of what you expect your research to
reveal. Example Adults 21 years and over watch
an average of 2.5 hours of TV per day. Sample at
least fifteen people and record their data in a
simple table or chart study the examples from
Section 12-3.
21MAT 126 Help Bcome Exceptional / mat126.com
MAT 126 Week 5 Quiz
Week 5 1. Question Find the area under the
normal distribution curve between z 1.52 and z
2.43. 2. Question For the 20 test scores
shown, find the percentile rank for a score of
86. 75 63 92 74 86 50 77 82 98 65 71 89 75 66 87
59 70 83 91 73 3. Question If a student's
percentile rank in a class of 400 students is 87,
find the student's class rank. 4. Question Find
the value for the correlation coefficient
r. 5. Question Find the median.
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