Title: Wooden Roller Foot Massager - ShopChiro
1Cane Hook Massager
This is a newly designed massage cane that is
great for relieving all of your body's aches and
pains. This massage cane is perfect for winding
down after a tough and stressful day or
recovering from an intense workout.
- Ultimate massage tool to reduce and relieve
muscle pain such as soreness, tightness, tension,
and cramps
- This hook massager gives you the perfect deep
tissue massage and releases all myofascial
trigger points
2Lumbar Support Belt
This back brace is made with a tough and durable
neoprene material accompanied with a lumbar pad
on the back for an amazing feel and full support.
Our belt is carefully designed with a double
layered base with long velcro straps that wrap
around your core to give you the perfect fit.
3Blood Pressure Monitor
This blood pressure monitor is simple to use and
can be used anytime, anywhere. It will read you
your systolic and diastolic blood pressures while
also reading your pulse rate to give you the most
clinically accurate results!
4R2l Anti-Radiation Chip for Cell Phones
Why to take a chance if you have an easy access
to something that can prevent the negative
effects of harmful radiations coming from your
phone. R2l is an antI-radiation chip that is
scientifically-tested to substantially reduce
radiations without interfering with your cell
phones signal.
5Massage Roller Ball
Shopchiro introduces our newest product with this
massage roller ball! This massage ball has a
unique design and comfortable grip. This product
is one of the most effective massage tools in the
market that helps to ease stress and tension on
your back, hands, fingers, elbows or legs.
6Xl Body Balance Ball
This exercise ball is an excellent choice for
improving core strength and taking that extra
step to get those ripped abs! This ball is
guaranteed to sculpt and define those core
muscles that you have always wanted. This is an
antI-burst ball made of pvc material with a
thickness of 1mm.
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