Title: Dudhsagar Water Falls - Go visit Goa
1Dudhsagar Water Falls
- visit the magnificent Dudhsagar waterfalls Sea of
2Dudhsagar Water Falls - Go Visit Goa
3Introduction of Dudhsagar Water Falls
- A trip to the Dudhsagar waterfalls is an
experience like no other. Dudhsagar Falls
(literally Sea of Milk ) is a four-tiered
waterfall located on the Mandovi River in the
border of the Indian state of Goa and Karnataka.
Dudhsagar Falls is amongst India's tallest
4Introduction of Dudhsagar Water Falls
5Location of Dudhsagar Water Falls
- This waterfall is located in the Sanguem Taluka
of Goa, and falls into the jurisdiction of the
Goa Forest departments since it is a part of the
Bhagwan Mahavir Wildlife Sanctuary. One can go by
road or rail to Kulem railway station and then
trek to the waterfall or hire a jeep with a
driver to get closer in.
6Location of Dudhsagar Water Falls
7Images of Dudhsagar Water Falls
8Images of Dudhsagar Water Falls
9Images of Dudhsagar Water Falls
10Images of Dudhsagar Water Falls
11How to Reach Dudhsagar Falls
- There is no direct way to reach Dudhsagar, you
gotta take a train to Londa junction. From there,
you need to take a local bus/taxi/train to either
Kulem OR Castle Rock. This takes roughly 3 hours.
The trek starts from here, a trek on track for
over 12 kms to reach the waterfalls.
12Tips on Visiting Dudhsagar Falls
- 1.) No food is available at Dudhsagar waterfalls.
You must carry their own supplies, preferably
from Madgaon. - 2.) If you plan to visit the base of the falls,
then May would be the best month, the place would
be closed between June, July and August owing to
heavy rains and flooding.
13Tips on Visiting Dudhsagar Falls
- 3.) One can view the falls from a train as well,
but of course, this is a different experience - 4.) From Collem you need to take the official
jeep that will ferry you to and from from the
falls and is available on a shareable basis. You
also need to hire the life jackets which your
Jeep driver will assist you in getting
14Tips on Visiting Dudhsagar Falls
- 5.) The rocky path near the base of the falls is
quite slippery and steep in places and may not be
suitable for the elderly and infirm
15For More Info
- Read This -
- http//www.govisitgoa.com/goa-waterfalls/dudhsagar
-waterfalls.html - Follow us on Social Media
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