Title: Tips for Your Carpet to Last a Lifetime
1Tips for Your Carpet to Last a Lifetime
24 Types of Carpet
Generally, carpets function in a variety of ways,
such as an insulator of a persons foot from a
cold floor, and there are some who use a special
carpet for praying, and of course, an additional
decoration to every home. There are at least four
types of carpet, namely woven, needlefelt,
knotted, and tufted.
3Woven Carpets
are those that are produced on a loom kind of
fabric similar to woven fabric. These carpets are
the most expensive and are famous in India,
Pakistan, and Arabia.
4Needle Felt Carpets
are the technologically advanced carpets. It is
produced by the intermingling and felting
synthetic fibers. You can find these kinds of
carpets in hotels and restaurants.
5Knotted Carpets
are those carpets that are knotted by hands and
is popular in European countries and the Middle
6Tufted Carpets
are those carpets that have piles injected to the
backing material
7How to Maintain Your Carpet
Some people have doubts when buying carpets
because its hard to maintain and most of them
don't last long. Some get annoyed when their
carpet has stains and starts showing signs of
aging. A carpet normally gets replaced after 7
years but some prefer for it to last longer than
8Rearranging Your Furniture
Periodically rearranging your furniture is
advisable to avoid leaving trail marks on your
carpet and also to prevent dust and dirt from
building up.
9Get a Vacuum Cleaner
Sweeping is not enough. It will not take away
bread crumbs and small bits of dirt stuck in your
carpet. It can only be removed using a vacuum
10Professional Cleaner
You should hire a professional carpet cleaner to
do the cleaning for you. Consider it an
investment in prolonging the life of your carpet
to more than seven years.
11Clean the Spots Right Away
You cant avoid spills from coffee, juice, and
wine, but you can clean the spots of the spills
right away to avoid leaving a mark on your
precious carpet.
12No Shoes Inside the House
The guests and family members should remove their
shoes before entering the house. About 97 of
shoes that come in and out of the house brings
dirt, mud, and worse, fecal matters.
13Keeping your carpet always clean and taking care
of it the right way will extend its lifetime use.
It may sound expensive at first, but in the long
run, you can save more by not buying a new carpet
every year because of stains and dirt that cant
be removed.
14JM, Inc. is a licensed total solution
remediation contractor. We handle every detail
from evaluating and fixing your problem, to
totally restoring your property back to its
original condition on time and on
budget. Whether its water damage with
restoration and repairs, state of the art air
duct cleaning, or carpet and tile care with JM
One Call Does It All. We handle every detail
including electrical, plumbing, and drywall
repairs. Reach out to us 116 N. Roosevelt Ave.,
Suite 136 Chandler, Arizona 85226 Phone (480)
706-0737 Fax (480) 706-6456
Learn more ways to keep your carpets looking
fresh and new in our blog www.jmrestoration.com/b