Title: Tips for Recycling Plastic
1 Tips for Recycling Plastic
2Recycling plastic doesnt have to be a challenge.
These recycling tips will help you recycle more
of the plastic packaging you use at home, from
plastic bags and bottles to plastic lids, cups
and wraps.
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4Recycle Plastic Bottles
In addition to milk jugs and beverage bottles,
remember to recycle plastic bottles from salad
dressing, cooking oil and condiments etc.
5 Recycle Plastic Bags and Wraps
You can recycle plastic bags at many major
grocery store chains. Remember to include your
grocery and retail bags, newspaper bags etc.
6 Recycle Food Storage Bags
Sealable plastic food storage and freezer bags
can be recycled at the same major grocery stores
that collect plastic bags.
7Recycle Containers, Cups and Lids
More and more communities are recycling plastic
containers in addition to bottles. Check your
communitys website to see if yogurt cups, butter
tubs etc.