Title: Types Of Vpn
1T Y P E S O F V P N
- Types Of VPN
- Types Of VPN Protocol OpenVPN
- Secure Shell (SSH)
There are two main classes in VPN they are
client-based VPNs and network-based VPNs. These
VPN types depend on certain VPN protocols they
are Internet Protocol Security, Layer 2
Tunneling Protocol, point to point tunneling
protocol, Secure Sockets Layer, open VPN, and
Secure Shell.
4C L I E N T B A S E D V P N
The client based VPN is the private network
created between a single user and remote system.
It allows the users to connect to a remote
network through the application. Most of the
Windows, Mac, and mobile OS have the standard
based VPN client options in it.
5N E T W O R K - B A S E D V P N
- Network-based VPN securely connect the two
networks across the untrusted network. - This protocol has the various kinds of VPN and
three are the most important in them. - They are IPSec tunnels both route and policy
based dynamic multipoint VPN, and MPLS-based
6Types Of VPN Protocol
Internet Protocol Security Or IPSec
Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol ( L 2
TP) Point to Point Tunneling Protocol Secure Socke
ts Layer ( SSL)
It i s mainly used to secure the web connection
across the IP network by authenticating
the session. Then i t encrypts the each data
packet during the connection. This i s
primarily the collection of multiple related
protocols and exists at the network layer of OSI
model. Internet Protocol Security has two
important modes as tunneling mode and transport
L 2 TP i s the competitor to PPTP for VPN
tunneling. This protocol i s mainly implemented
primarily in Cisco products and handles the
secure connection between the tunnels. The two
main components that make up L 2 TP are L 2 TP
access controller and L 2 TP Network Server. The
L 2 TP access controller i s the device
that physically terminates a call, where L 2 TP
Network Server terminates and possibly
authenticates the PPP system.
This protocol i s the most widely supported VPN
method among the Windows users, and then i t
creates the tunnel and encapsulates the
data packet. It i s faster and available for
Linux and Mac users. PPP i s most widely used
protocol s ince from the time of Windows 95 . It
supports the VPN connectivity across the local
network and supports the two types
of information they are control messages and data
SSL i s the VPN accessible through a
web browser and not in need of any software to
be installed. This protocol i s mainly in
online banking and payment gateways. It also
creates the secure connection between the client
system and host system. SSL precedes to
Transport layer security ( TLS), SSL initially
connects with URL instead of HTTP.
It is the open source for creating the point to
point and site to site connections. Open VPN is
using all authentication, encryption, and
certification features to protect t the private
network traffic. Generally, in open VPN, the
tunnel can be created and configured with the
single command. It can read the certificate and
private keys from the smart card which supports
the Windows.
12S E C U R E S H E L L
- Secure Shell i s mainly created and designed to
provide the best security while accessing
another computer along with the better - authentication facilities.
- It eliminates every eavesdropping,
- connection hijacking, and from all other
attacks. - SSH consists of four tools they are the
- remote operations, key management, and
- the server s ide consists of sshd, ssh- agent
and gets incorporated into many - commercial products.
13Linkable Link
The main benefit of VPN is that, ensures the
appropriate level of security to the connected
systems. VPN has evolved to provide the same
level of secure communication among any devices
on the internet.
Types Of Vpn
14C O N T A C T U S
15T H A N K S F O R L I S T E N I N G ! B E S T V
P N F I N D E R . C O M