Title: Children's art classes NJ
1Euro art studio
Learn to draw what you see! Perspective, BW
sketching, line, tone, texture, shading, grid
enlargements, anatomy, study composition-and
more! Learn to use pencil, pen/ink and charcoal.
Work on your sketch book. Everyone CAN learn to
3Drawing with Colour Pencils
Start drawing with colour pencils. They allow you
a variety of technique to achieve different
styles. Experiment with various papers and boards
as well as several types of colour pencils. Focus
on line, tone and composition.
4Drawing with Pastels
This is a very powerful medium, especially when
you learn the different techniques such as
scrambling, summate, resists and more. Layers of
colour are put down allowing exploration of
lights and darks in relation to one another.
Drawing (line, tone, texture, value, composition)
will be practiced to enhance your pastel work.
Compare different pastels - oil and chalk - as
well varied papers.
5Figure Drawing, Anatomy and Portraiture
Emphasis here is on surface anatomy and
proportion. Students work in black and white from
a photos and use shading pencils or charcoal.
Learn how to study and render proportion.
Exercises range from gesture studies to poses.
Learn to draw portraits through learning about
facial proportion, development of depth with
light and shadow and capturing a likeness.
Classes for Children and Teens 4-17
Monday 530pm - 700pm Tuesday
430pm - 600pm Wednesday 530pm -
700pm Thursday 430pm - 600pm Saturday
930am - 1100am
1100am - 1230pm 1230pm
- 200pm
7Address 1205 Anderson Ave. Suite 1 City Fort
Lee State NJ Country USA Zip code 07024 Ph.
no 201-446-5009 Client mail id
gjerosimic17_at_gmail.com Website
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