Title: BARSKA Mini Biometric Safe
1BARSKA Mini Biometric Safe
2Highlighted Features
- Has a compact biometric fingerprint sensor
- It has a solid deadbolt locking system
- Pre-drilled holes to allow mounting of the safe
on a surface - Multiple user capabilities for up to 30 users
- Solid steel construction
- It weighs about 15.8 pounds and measures 11.5?(W)
x 8?(D) x 7.75?(H) internal dimensions
3BARSKA Mini Biometric Safe Pros It is accurate
and fast to use leaving no room for error when
using the fingerprint sensor It allows multiple
users to use it at the same time without
necessarily deleting the current users It allows
for diversity allowing you to store different
items ranging from guns, jewelry, to important
documents The dimensions are great as several
items will fit with ease and without forcing
anything inside There is a backup plan in the
event the sensor develops any concerns as you can
use the provided keys Cons It is rather light in
weight and this can be a worry especially for
those who will not mount it as thieves can carry
it along.
4FAQs BARSKA Mini Biometric Safe What are the
dimensions of this safe? The outer dimensions are
12 x 8 x 7.75 whereas the inner dimensions are
11.5 x 7.5 x 5.75 inches and it comes with an
average weight of 15.8 pounds. Does the BARSKA
Mini Biometric Safe come with shelves? It does
not come with any shelves. However, it comes with
adequate space to store more than one item. Can
I access my items in the safe in the event the
fingerprint capability develops a
multifunction? If there is a problem and you have
to access your items, it comes with backup keys
that will come with the safe.
5Visit for More Information https//gunsafeable.