Title: Master Franchising Opportunity at Speakwell (1)
Master Franchising Opportunity
- No. 1 brand for Spoken English Personality
Development in Mumbai - 10 yrs of experience in Education business
- 75 branches
- Head Office in Mumbai and Regional office at Pune
and Delhi - ISO 90012008 certified company
- Authorized NSDC Training Partner
- Working with Govt. to Train and Place students in
Telecom and Retail sector - NULM National Urban Livelihood Mission
- BARTI Babasaheb Ambedkar Res Trg. Inst. For
SC candidates
- Speakwell Master Franchisee would establish the
unit franchisees network in the territory and
provide them support by establishing regional
support team. - Speakwell MF Benefits-
- - High Demand
- - Future Proof Business
- - The No. 1 Brand
- - NSDC Training Partner
- - High ROI
A Professional working in Management Cadre with
an entrepreneurial urge Or A Business Person
seeking to setup new venture
- Must have
- Experience of running a Unit / leading a team
- Man Management Skills
- Must be a Task Master
- Be able to Motivate people
- Financially capable
- to invest up to Rs. 20 Lakhs
- to sustain for 18 to 20 months without profits
- Willing to make this a Full Time Profession
- School Students
- College Students
- Graduates
- Job seekers
- Sales People/Medical Representatives
- Entrepreneurs
- Proprietors
- Housewives
Personalized learning helps students understand
their own style of learning and to develop
learning and teaching strategies that fit the
ability of an individual. Speakwell maintains
learning profiles that offer detailed information
of every students weaknesses and strengths that
teachers use to personalize learning. It also
helps the student in building their confidence
and communication skills.
Set of 3 Audio Visual DVDs
1. Spoken words 2. Preparatory grammar 3.
Advanced grammar 4. Translation 5. Word list
6. Voice accent 7. Conversation Formula
- The development of mobile wireless technologies
has generated a considerable amount of excitement
among practitioners and academics because it
results in shifting the LEARNING environment from
traditional settings to mobile learning
(m-learning) setting. - Learn vocabulary, grammar Conversations on
Android platform - Course followed by certification linked to
Speakwells internal placement engine Placewell
11Regional Manager (RM) is required as we grow and
has to be appointed to handle the implementation
of marketing strategy and drive sales at all the
centres. The MF can handle the role till a
particular point and then have a RM to ensure
that the required support is given to the
franchisee centres for marketing and sales
including regular training. The RM will be
provided required training from HO and will be
reporting to the MF. Head Trainer is required
for training the new trainers, addressing the
execution issues of trainers and ensure that all
the compliances and systems are followed as per
the guidelines of HO. He/She will be responsible
for NSDC course execution also. Required training
will be imparted to the Head Trainer by HO. HR
Executive is required to handle the recruitment
and induction of all the new joinees across the
MF territory. Required training will be imparted
to the HR Executive by HO.
12Master Franchise Fees Rs. 10,00,000
Service Tax(15) Rs. 1,50,000
Total Investment Rs. 11,50,000
Establish a network of 50 centers over the next 5
Existing Franchisees New Franchisees Total No of Franchisees
Year 1 0 10 12
Year 2 10 15 25
Year 3 25 10 35
Year 4 35 5 40
Year 5 45 3 48
13Particulars Amount( in Rs.) Remark
Franchise Fee 2,00,000 Non Refundable
Service Tax(15) 30,000
Infrastructure 2,00,000 Partitions/Comp/Chairs/Tables/TV DVD/Whiteboards and A/C
Signage/Marketing/Kit 1,00,000 Initial marketing done for Launch Franchise Kit
Total 5,30,000
Revenue from Book-sets
Existing Franchisees New Franchisees Total No of Franchisees Average No of booksets per month Total No of Booksets per month MF Rev per Book Booksets Revenue per month Revenue per Year
Year 1 0 10 10 15 150 490 73,500/- 8,82,000/-
Year 2 10 15 25 20 500 560 3,02,400/- 33,60,000/-
Year 3 25 10 35 22 770 630 4,85,100/- 58,21,200/-
Year 4 35 5 40 25 1000 700 7,00,000/- 84,00,000/-
Year 5 40 3 43 25 1075 770 8,27,750/- 99,33,000/-
Revenue from Franchise Fee
Existing Franchisees New Franchisees Total No of Franchisees Franchise Fee Revenue
Year 1 0 10 10 1,00,000/- 7,00,000/-
Year 2 10 15 25 1,50,000/- 15,75,000/-
Year 3 25 10 35 1,50,000/- 10,50,000/-
Year 4 35 5 40 2,00,000/- 7,00,000/-
Year 5 40 3 43 2,00,000/- 4,20,000/-
Particulars Amount( in Rs.)
Salary Regional Manager_at_ 25,000/- 3,00,000/-
HR Executive_at_ 12,000/- 1,44,000/-
Head Trainer_at_ 20,000/- 2,40,000/-
Rent Rs. 10,000/- Per month 1,20,000 /-
Advertisement Cost Rs. 20,000/- per month 2,40,000/-
Travelling Cost Appr. Rs. 20,000/- per month 2,60,000 /-
Total Operational cost per Year Total Operational cost per Year 13,04,000/-
Note Annual escalation of 20 on this first year
operational cost has been considered in
subsequent years of operation
17 Bookset Franchise Fee Total Revenue Operational Cost Annual Profit
Year 1 8,82,000/- 7,00,000/- 15,82,000/- 13,04,000/- 58,000/-
Year 2 33,60,000/- 15,75,000/- 49,35,000/- 18,28,800/- 31,06,200/-
Year 3 58,21,200/- 10,50,00/- 68,71,200/- 20,11,680/- 48,59,520/-
Year 4 84,00,000/- 7,00,000/- 91,00,000/- 24,14,016/- 66,85,984/-
Year 5 96,75,000/- 4,20,000/- 1,00,95,000/- 28,96,819/- 71,98,181/-
Note These Revenue Profitability projections
are based on certain assumptions and can change
as per market conditions