Title: Fire Rated Compartment Barriers
1Fire Rated Compartment Barriers
2Fire wall barriers as well as fire separation and
compartmentalising we cover all your needs
through multiple fire board and blanket barrier
options. Australian Fire Control install a
complete range of Passive Fire Protection and
Fire Stopping Systems to cover all your spread of
flame prevention and structural fire protection.
3Firefly Phoenix Smoke Flame Barrier
FRL -/90/- ? Used to provide smoke reservoirs and
smoke and flame compartmentation / sub division
of roof spaces and voids above demountable
partitions and suspended ceilings. Ideal for,
but not limited to Aged Care Centres. ? 1- Can be
retrofitted with minimal disruption to
occupants. 2- Dry installation, no studwork
required, simply fixed to existing structure. 3-
Seams are stapled with the Firefly R31 Staple Gun
and R31 12mm stainless steel staples, using a
double fold method to create a neat sealed
seam. 4- Continuous perimeter fix is required for
smoke compartmentation/sub division applications.
Firefly Plus 60 Fire Barrier
FRL 30/30/30 or FRL -/60/30 ? This easy to
install flexible fire barrier is used as a fire
engineered solution to continue compartment walls
up into the roof void, maintaining both the
integrity and insulation of the compartmentation
between dwellings, lift shafts and stairwells,
ideal for but not limited to strata units. Can
also be used to provide inside out / outside in
fire protection to boundary walls on both steel
and timber framed buildings. Flexibility and
fire rating level makes this product perfect for
bespoke applications.
4FRL 60/60/60 or FRL -/120/60 ? This easy to
install flexible fire barrier is used as a DTS
solution to provide a seal of up to 6.3mtrs high
x infinite length, which extends from the head of
a compartment wall/sub division wall to the
underside of the roof lining. Can also be
wrapped around external timber or steel wall
frame including eave and fascia sections to give
60/60/60 fire protection to lightweight
construction. Can also be used to cap off lift
shafts and stair wells, along with service risers
for horizontal applications . Flexibility and
fire rating level makes this product perfect for
bespoke application.
Consulting If you have a project you require
assistance on. Please contact a member of our
Department on ( 93996957 )
5For More Details of Fire Equipment, Control
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