Title: PSY 430 Begins Education / snaptutorial.com
1PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Entire Course
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
PSY 430 Week 1 Group Communication Video
Cases PSY 430 Week 1 Discussion Questions and
Summary PSY 430 Week 2 Individual Strengths and
Team Process PSY 430 Week 2 Discussion Questions
and Summary PSY 430 Week 2 Quiz
3PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 1 DQ 1
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
What are some advantages of working in groups?
Why are they advantages?
4PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 1 DQ 2
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
What are some disadvantages of working in groups?
Why are they disadvantages?
5PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 1 DQ 3
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
Describe a situation where a group encountered
problems in working together. What was done to
resolve the problem? What should have been done
to encourage better facilitation among group
6PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 1 DQ 4
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
Why is it important to understand the cultural
dimensions of group members? How does this affect
group communication?
7PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 1 Individual Assignment Group
Communication Video Cases - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
What were these interactions communicating? Were
they helping or hindering the group process? Come
up with two communication methods that could have
been used to better facilitate the group.
8PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 2 DQ 1
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
Why is it important for virtual group members to
be confident? How may confidence be enhanced in
online group communication?
9PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 2 DQ 2
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
Week 2 DQ2 Is the A-E-I-O-U conflict management
model an effective approach? Why or why not?
10PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 2 DQ 3
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
Describe an effective problem-solving technique
that works well for you.
11PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 2 Individual Assignment Individual
Strengths and Problem-Solving Techniques Paper - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
Discuss what you will do to develop or improve
your team skills and problem-solving
techniques. This paper must be submitted in the
appropriate format with introduction, central
theme statement, conclusion, and at least one
academic reference
12PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 3 DQ 1
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
What unique difficulties do female group leaders
face? How may they overcome these difficulties?
13PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 3 DQ 2
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
Describe two group roles into which you fit.
Explain how these roles benefit the group.
14PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 3 DQ 3
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
How does power play a role in leadership?
15PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 3 DQ 4
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
Week 3 DQ4 Provide two examples of difficult
personality types. Explain how to effectively
deal with them
16PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 3 Individual Assignment Group
Members and Leaders - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
Complete the Team Simulation on your student Web
site Answer each prompt thoroughly, using
additional outside resources where appropriate.
Copy and paste your responses at the end of the
simulation into a Microsoft Word document.
Smooth out the formatting so that you have a
coherent narrative.
17PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Conflict
Resolution - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
What specific conflict management technique would
this learning team have used in the example
situation? Discuss why and how. What concepts did
learning team members explore that will enhance
future team experiences?
18PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 4 DQ 1
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
How may your group incorporate the principles of
Edwin Locke and Gary Lathams goal theory into
your weekly goals?
19PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 4 DQ 2
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
Is punishment an effective motivator? Why or why
not? What would be an example of effective
punishment for your group?
20PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 4 DQ 3
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
How does personality play a role in goal setting
and motivation?
21PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 4 Individual Assignment Group
Motivation Inventory Paper - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
Complete the "Group Motivation Inventory" at the
end of Ch. 6 of the textbook. Include text and at
least one outside reference using APA formatting.
Determine your score and post it to your Learning
Team forum.
22PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Group
Incentives - For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
Compile your team results in a brief, informal
summary. Discuss the team incentives each team
member identified in his or her individual
assignment. As a team, design two incentives
created specifically for your teams
dynamics. Explain how your incentives will help
your team achieve desired results.
23PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 5 DQ 1
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
What role does the audience play in your choice
of presentation aids? How may you choose the
appropriate aid for the group you deal with?
24PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 5 DQ 2
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
How do logistics affect your presentation? List
some logistical factors that may affect your
choice of presentation aid and explain how to
adjust for each factor.
25PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 5 DQ 3
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
What type of presentation is most effective for
virtual groups? How may you be comprehensive in
your approach?
26PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 5 DQ 4
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
How do Microsoft PowerPoint pitfalls negatively
affect presentations? How may you avoid these
27PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
- PSY 430 Week 5 Learning Team Final PPT Project
- For more classes visit
- www.snaptutorial.com
Step 1 After everyone in your team has posted
his or her score from the Group Motivation
Inventory, complete the "Argumentativeness" group
exercise in Ch. 11. Compile your team results.
28PSY 430 Course Seek Your Dream / snaptutorial.com
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....