Title: Tibco online training
1TIBCO Online training And interview questions at
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2- 1. Tell me the modes of TIBCO BW installations?
- GUI mode
- Console mode
- Silent mode
- 2. Explain about TIBCO Runtime Agent?
- This is also called as TRA.
- It has two main functions
- one is running in the background on each machine
for supplying the agents. - starting and stopping processes are done by
agent. Agent can monitors the machine.
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33.What are the different acknowledgment modes for
a message? There are 6 modes of
acknowledgement. They are Auto Message is
acknowledged automatically Client Use confirm
activity for acknowledgement TIBCO EMS Explicit
Use confirm activity for acknowledgement, only
available for TIBCO EMS TIBCO EMS no ack Dups
ok Message is acknowledged automatically on its
receipt Transactional When a transaction is
included in a process definition. The message is
ack when the transaction commits.
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4- 4.What are the TIBCO BW activities that can
participate in transactions? - Not all TIBCO Business Works activities can
participate in a transaction. Only the following
types of activities have transactional
capabilities - JDBC activities
- JMS activities
- Active Enterprise Adapter activities that use JMS
transports - EJB activities
- TIBCO iProcess Business Works Connector activities
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5- 5.What are the different types of variables
available in TIBCO? - Activity output
- Predefined process variables
- Error variables
- User defined process variables.
- Predefined process variables include
_GlobalVarialbes and _ProcessContext - shared variables User defined process
variables could be defined at a process
definition level and assigned a value by using an
assign activity.
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6- 6.What activities are supported in JTA
Transaction? - The Java Transaction API (JTA) User Transaction
type allows - JDBC
- Active Enterprise Adapter (using JMS transports)
- EJB activities
- to participate in transactions.
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77.What activities are supported in XA Transaction
? The XA Transaction type allows JDBC
activities Active Enterprise Adapter activities
that use the JMS transport JMS activities to
participate in transactions. Note For JMS
activities and Active Enterprise Adapter
activities, request/reply operations cannot
participate in an XA transaction. Also, EJB
activities cannot participate in an XA
Transaction group.
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88.What are the possible Error output's of Read
File activity? Integration can be at different
application layers File Not Found Exception
Thrown when yhe file does not exist. Unsupported
Encoding Exception Thrown when the text files
encoding is not valid and the content of the file
is read into process data. File IO Exception
Thrown when an I/O exception occurred when
trying to read the file.
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99.What is the purpose of the inspector activity
? The Inspector activity is used to write the
output of any or all activities and process
variables to a file and/or std out. This is
particularly useful when debugging process
definitions and you wish to see the entire schema
instead of mapping specific elements to the Write
File activity.
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10- 10.What are the 4 main panels of the Designer
window ? - The 4 main panels of the Designer window are
- Project panel
- Palette panel
- Design panel
- Configuration panel
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11Thank you
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