Title: CIS 348 MENTOR It's Your Life/cis348mentor.com
1CIS 348 MENTOR It's Your Life/cis348mentor.com
2CIS 348 MENTOR It's Your Life/cis348mentor.com
CIS 348 Week 2 Assignment 1 The Role of Project
Managers (2 Papers) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT
www.cis348mentor.com CIS 348 Week 2 Assignment
1 The Role of Project Managers Due Week 2 and
worth 85 points Research job boards for project
manager positions. Take note of the various
industries that hire project managers. Then,
research statistics from the project management
institute on the rate of success of projects in
different industries including IT. Write a two to
three (2-3) page paper in which you Explain
project management as a discipline.
3CIS 348 MENTOR It's Your Life/cis348mentor.com
CIS 348 Week 3 Assignment 2 Business Case (2
www.cis348mentor.com CIS 348 Week 3 Assignment
2 Business Case Due Week 3 and worth 85
points Imagine that you work as a project manager
for a company that buys and sells used textbooks.
The main sales channel is a Web application. A
few customers have requested the creation of a
mobile application with the ability to scan
barcodes. The CEO wants you to prepare a formal
business case before a decision is made on
whether or not to build the mobile application.
4CIS 348 MENTOR It's Your Life/cis348mentor.com
CIS 348 Week 4 Assignment 3 Waterfall versus
www.cis348mentor.com CIS 348 Week 4 Assignment
3 Waterfall versus Agile Due Week 4 and worth 85
points Research agile methodologies including
SCRUM and extreme programming (XP). Write a two
to three (2-3) page paper in which you Describe
the waterfall methodology and identify its
relationship to the PMBOK process groups.
5CIS 348 MENTOR It's Your Life/cis348mentor.com
CIS 348 Week 6 Assignment 4 Mobile App Part 1
(Work Breakdown Structure) (2 Papers) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis348mentor.com CIS 348 Week
6 Assignment 4 Mobile App Part 1 (Work Breakdown
Structure) Due Week 6 and worth 85 points This
assignment contains two (2) deliverables a
summary document to be delivered in a word
processor document format and a Work Breakdown
Structure (WBS) to be delivered in a project
file. Overview
6CIS 348 MENTOR It's Your Life/cis348mentor.com
CIS 348 Week 7 Assignment 5 Mobile App Part 2
(Gantt and Pert Chart) (2 Papers) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis348mentor.com CIS 348 Week
7 Assignment 5 Mobile App Part 2 (Gantt and Pert
Chart) Update the Microsoft Project file you
created in Assignment 4 Mobile App Part 1 (Work
Breakdown Structure) with the following
changes Set progress in at least ten (10) of the
line items. Set the properties so that at least
one (1) of the main tasks is behind
schedule. Create a Gantt chart for the project.
7CIS 348 MENTOR It's Your Life/cis348mentor.com
CIS 348 Week 8 Assignment 6 Mobile App Part 3
www.cis348mentor.com This Tutorial contains 2
Papers CIS 348 Week 8 Assignment 6 Mobile App
Part 3 (Risk) Reference the Microsoft Project
file you created in Assignment 5 Mobile App Part
2 (Gantt and PERT Charts) for the completion of
this assignment. Write a two to three (2-3) page
paper in which you Document at least ten (10)
total risks (two 2 risks for each phase of IT
projects) of the mobile application development
8CIS 348 MENTOR It's Your Life/cis348mentor.com
CIS 348 Week 10 Term Paper Change Management,
Communication and Leadership (2 Papers) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis348mentor.com  CIS 348
Week 10 Term Paper Change Management,
Communication and Leadership Write an eight to
ten (8-10) page paper in which you Explain the
project procurement process. Explain how change
control is implemented in the information
technology processes.
9CIS 348 MENTOR It's Your Life/cis348mentor.com