Title: 5 Effective Home Cleaning Tips and Ideas
15 Effective Home Cleaning Tips and Ideas
2 Sanitize the Kitchen Sink
In order to get started and disinfect, you must
clean your sink with the help of soap and water
and then spray a mist of vinegar and let the
air-dry for some time.
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3Hard to believe that dirty kitchen sink has more
bacteria then toilet seat.
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4 Clean Your Oven
Keep your kitchen clean and hygiene by lining the
bottom with a nonstick oven liner. This can be
wiped with the help of a paper towel, put in the
dishwasher, and reused over and over.
5 Use Baking Soda to Clean Silver
There is No shortcut of getting your silver
cleaned from knives to gravy boasts, sparkling.
First, you need to clean the hand wash items in
warm soapy water. In a pot mix one quart boiled
water with ¼ cup of baking soda and a teaspoon of
salt. Pour the mix over the silver and cover with
a well fitted lid. Wait for another 10 minutes as
the solution might take some time to remove the
blackness from the silver. Remove the silver from
the pot, wash with clean water and try with a
clean soft cloth to see the cleaning effect.
6 Use a Pillowcase for Dust-Free Cleaning
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Yes, you heard it right, you can clean a ceiling
fan without the dusty mess. Working with one
blade at a time, slide an old pillowcase over the
blade, then slowly draw the fabric back. All the
dust and dirt will stay in the pillowcase instead
of flying everywhere.
7 Use a Coffee Filter to Dust TV or computer
8Thanks For Watching
Keep Clean, Live Healthy