Title: Tours to the Golden Land of Pagodas
1Tours to the Golden Land of Pagodas
2Discover Myanmar from Highlights to Beach
Relaxation 12 days
3Discover the Charm of Myanmar 12 days
4Highlights of Myanmar 9 days
5Luxuries and Mysteries of Myanmar 10 days
6Treasure of Myanmar 7 days
7One of the largest and most diverse countries in
Southeast Asia, Myanmar extends from the
sparkling islands of the Andaman Sea in the
southern right up to the eastern beaches of the
mountains of 'Himalaya. Till now, Myanmar remains
one of the most mysterious and unexplored
destinations in the world. It is a land of beauty
and charm, but recently it has appeared in the
modern world. Myanmar tour packages includes
cruising on the mighty Ayeyarwaddy River in
style, drifting over the ancient Bagan city in
hot air balloon, or traveling in the back of a
Elephant. Myanmar luxury trips are usually
amazing and can make your holidays the best.
8For More Details
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