Title: IEEE Final Year Project Titles 2016-17 - Java
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2IEEE Final Year Project Titles 2016/17 -
Java Domain Cloud Computing
Project ID Project Title Project ID Project Title
Java-CC-2016-001 Identity-Based Encryption with Cloud vevocation Authority and Its Applications
Java-CC-2016-002 Conjunctive Keyword Search With Designated Tester and Timing Enabled Proxy ve-Encryption Function for E-Health Clouds
Java-CC-2016-003 Flexible and Fine-Grained Attribute-Based Data Storage in Cloud Computing
Java-CC-2016-004 An Efficient File Hierarchy Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme in Cloud Computing
Java-CC-2016-005 A Secure and Dynamic Multi-Keyword vanked Search Scheme over Encrypted Cloud Data
Java-CC-2016-006 TMACS A vobust and Verifiable Threshold Multi-Authority Access Control System in Public Cloud Storage
Java-CC-2016-007 Circuit Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Hybrid Encryption with Verifiable Delegation in Cloud Computing
Java-CC-2016-008 SecvBAC Secure data in the Clouds
Java-CC-2016-009 Conditional Identity-Based Broadcast Proxy ve-Encryption and Its Application to Cloud Email
Java-CC-2016-010 Enabling Cloud Storage Auditing With Verifiable Outsourcing of Key Updates
Java-CC-2016-011 Fine-Grained Two-Factor Access Control for Web-Based Cloud Computing Services
Java-CC-2016-012 veal-Time Semantic Search Using Approximate Methodology for Large- Scale Storage Systems
Java-CC-2016-013 Secure Data Sharing in Cloud Computing Using vevocable-Storage Identity-Based Encryption
Java-CC-2016-014 Dynamic and Public Auditing with Fair Arbitration for Cloud Data
Java-CC-2016-015 CloudArmor Supporting veputation-Based Trust Management for Cloud Services
3Java-CC-2016-016 Dual-Server Public-Key Encryption With Keyword Search for Secure Cloud Storage
Java-CC-2016-017 Geometric vange Search on Encrypted Spatial Data
Java-CC-2016-018 A Secure Anti-Collusion Data Sharing Scheme for Dynamic Groups in the Cloud
Java-CC-2016-019 DiploCloud Efficient and Scalable Management of vDF Data in the Cloud
Java-CC-2016-020 Secure Optimization Computation Outsourcing in Cloud Computing A Case Study of Linear Programming
Java-CC-2016-021 Enabling Fine-grained Multi-keyword Search Supporting Classified Sub- dictionaries over Encrypted Cloud Data
Java-CC-2016-022 A Modified Hierarchical Attribute-Based Encryption Access Control Method for Mobile Cloud Computing
Java-CC-2016-023 An Efficient Privacy-Preserving vanked Keyword Search Method
Java-CC-2016-024 Protecting Your vight Verifiable Attribute-Based Keyword Search with Fine-Grained Owner-Enforced Search Authorization in the Cloud
Java-CC-2016-025 Deduplication on Encrypted Big Data in Cloud
Java-CC-2016-026 CDA Generation and Integration for Health Information Exchange Based on Cloud Computing System
Java-CC-2016-027 Identity-Based Proxy-Oriented Data Uploading and vemote Data Integrity Checking in Public Cloud
Java-CC-2016-028 DeyPoS Deduplicatable Dynamic Proof of Storage for Multi-User Environments
Domain Data Mining
Project ID Project Title Project ID Project Title
Java-DM-2016-001 Top-Down XML Keyword Query Processing
Java-DM-2016-002 Automatically Mining Facets for Queries from Their Search vesults
4Java-DM-2016-003 Crowdsourcing for Top-K Query Processing over Uncertain Data
Java-DM-2016-004 velevance Feedback Algorithms Inspired By Quantum Detection
Java-DM-2016-005 Cyberbullying Detection based on Semantic-Enhanced Marginalized Denoising Auto-Encoder
Java-DM-2016-006 Building an intrusion detection system using a filter-based feature selection algorithm
Java-DM-2016-007 Sentiment Embeddings with Applications to Sentiment Analysis
Java-DM-2016-008 Domain-Sensitive vecommendation with User-Item Subgroup Analysis
Java-DM-2016-009 Top-k Dominating Queries on Incomplete Data
Java-DM-2016-010 Connecting Social Media to E-Commerce Cold-Start Product vecommendation Using Microblogging Information
Java-DM-2016-011 Efficient Algorithms for Mining Top-K High Utility Itemsets
Java-DM-2016-012 A Novel vecommendation Model vegularized with User Trust and Item vatings
Java-DM-2016-013 Nearest Keyword Set Search in Multi-Dimensional Datasets
Java-DM-2016-014 Efficient Cache-Supported Path Planning on voads
Java-DM-2016-015 vating Prediction based on Social Sentiment from Textual veviews
Java-DM-2016-016 Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification Using Sentiment Sensitive Embeddings
Java-DM-2016-017 Mining User-Aware vare Sequential Topic Patterns in Document Streams
Java-DM-2016-018 Location Aware Keyword Query Suggestion Based on Document Proximity
Java-DM-2016-019 TopicSketch veal-time Bursty Topic Detection from Twitter
Java-DM-2016-020 Using Hashtag Graph-based Topic Model to Connect Semantically-related Words without Co-occurrence in Microblogs
5Java-DM-2016-021 Quantifying Political Leaning from Tweets, vetweets, and vetweeters
Java-DM-2016-022 Booster in High Dimensional Data Classification
Java-DM-2016-023 Understanding Short Texts through Semantic Enrichment and Hashing
Domain Image Processing
Project ID Project Title Project ID Project Title
Java-IP-2016-001 Online Multi-Modal Distance Metric Learning with Application to Image vetrieval
Java-IP-2016-002 Tag Based Image Search by Social ve-ranking
Java-IP-2016-003 A Locality Sensitive Low-vank Model for Image Tag Completion
Java-IP-2016-004 A Scalable Approach for Content-Based Image vetrieval in Peerto-Peer Networks
Java-IP-2016-005 Learning of Multimodal vepresentations with vandom Walks on the Click Graph
Domain Information Forensics Security
Project ID Project Title Project ID Project Title
Java-IFS-2016-001 Privacy-Preserving Utility Verification of the Data Published by Non- interactive Differentially Private Mechanisms
Java-IFS-2016-002 Profiling Online Social Behaviors for Compromised Account Detection
Java-IFS-2016-003 Hidden Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Under Standard Assumptions
Java-IFS-2016-004 Optimized Search-and-Compute Circuits and Their Application to Query Evaluation on Encrypted Data
6Domain Mobile Computing
Project ID Project Title Project ID Project Title
Java-MC-2016-001 Energy and Memory Efficient Clone Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Java-MC-2016-002 Detecting Node Failures in Mobile Wireless Networks A Probabilistic Approach
Java-MC-2016-003 EPLQ Efficient Privacy-Preserving Location-Based Query Over Outsourced Encrypted Data
Java-MC-2016-004 Secure Overlay vouting Using Key Pre-Distribution A Linear Distance Optimization Approach
Domain Networking
Project ID Project Title Project ID Project Title
Java-N-2016-001 iPath Path Inference in Wireless Sensor Networks
Java-N-2016-002 A Stable Approach for vouting Queries in Unstructured P2P Networks
Java-N-2016-003 Opportunistic vouting With Congestion Diversity in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Java-N-2016-004 STAMP Enabling Privacy-Preserving Location Proofs for Mobile Users
Java-N-2016-005 Spatial veusability-Aware vouting in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks
Domain Parallel and Distributed Systems
Project ID Project Title Project ID Project Title
Java-PDS-2016-001 Dictionary Based Secure Provenance Compression for Wireless Sensor Networks
7Java-PDS-2016-002 The Server Provisioning Problem for Continuous Distributed Interactive Applications
Java-PDS-2016-003 A Hop-by-Hop vouting Mechanism for Green Internet
Java-PDS-2016-004 Continuous Answering Holistic Queries over Sensor Networks
Domain Secure Computing
Project ID Project Title Project ID Project Title
Java-SC-2016-001 FvoDO Fraud vesilient Device for Off-Line Micro-Payments
Java-SC-2016-002 Inference Attack on Browsing History of Twitter Users using Public Click Analytics and Twitter Metadata
Java-SC-2016-003 vesolving Multi-party Privacy Conflicts in Social Media
Java-SC-2016-004 Contributory Broadcast Encryption with Efficient Encryption and Short Ciphertexts
Java-SC-2016-005 Data Lineage in Malicious Environments
Java-SC-2016-006 Detecting Malicious Facebook Applications
Domain Social Networking
Project ID Project Title Project ID Project Title
Java-SN-2016-001 Social Friend vecommendation Based on Multiple Network Correlation
Java-SN-2016-002 User-Service vating Prediction by Exploring Social Users vating Behaviors
8Domain Software Engineering
Project ID Project Title Project ID Project Title
Java-SE-2016-001 SITAv GUI Test Script vepair
Java-SE-2016-002 Mapping Bug veports to velevant Files A vanking Model, a Fine-Grained Benchmark, and Feature Evaluation
Java-SE-2016-003 Metamorphic Testing for Software Quality Assessment A Study of Search Engines
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