Title: Tim Pelkey Publishes Debut Thriller, The Baljuna Covenant
1Tim Pelkey Publishes Debut Thriller, The Baljuna
1888PressRelease - Science-driven novel attempts
to unlock the secrets of 13th century
Eurasia. ADA, Mich. - Pelkey's breakthrough
novel is the story of archaeologist James
Andrews's search for Genghis Khan's tomb. After
discovering a bone on Burkhan Khaldun, Mongolia's
holy mountain, Andrews and his colleague Abbey
Conrad follow the strands of its DNA back in
time. Past and present collide, revealing ancient
truths along with a web of deception that tears
Andrews's life apart and pushes the world to the
brink of war. "I was fascinated by a study that
detected the presence of Genghis Khan's
Y-chromosome among his living male descendants,"
Pelkey said. "Genetics can tell us about
transformative and previously unknown historical
events. The Y-chromosome study told us so much
about Genghis Khan's sons. I wondered what
detecting his X-chromosome might tell us about
his daughters." Part historic fiction, part
archaeological mystery, and part political
thriller, The Baljuna Covenant weaves together
tales of modern and ancient Mongolia, telling
stories of Mongolia's present-day struggles for
independence, a poor boy's rise to the heights of
world power, and of friends-their unyielding
loyalty and unimagined betrayal. Most of all, it
tells the story of a promise between Genghis Khan
and his people, a promise kept until this
day. The book has made the recommended reading
lists for Kirkus Reviews and Stevo's Book
Reviews. It was also a Featured Review for Kirkus
Indie Reviews in February.
2The Baljuna Covenant can be purchased through SDP
Publishing and at all major bookstores, including
online retailer Amazon. Learn more at
http//www.TimPelkey.com. About the Author Tim
Pelkey is the father of two. He lives in Ada,
Michigan with his wife Leslie. The Baljuna
Covenant is his first novel. He is currently
working on his second novel The Ottoman
Excursion. Learn more at www.TimPelkey.com. http