Title: ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets/ iscom473homework.com (1)
1ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets/
2ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
VISIT www.iscom473homework.com ISCOM 473 Week 1
DQs ISCOM 473 Week 1 Individual Assignment
Article Analysis Paper ISCOM 473 Week 1
Individual Assignment Article Analysis Paper
(New) ISCOM 473 Week 2 DQs ISCOM 373 Week 2
Team Assignment Insourcing and Outsourcing
Practices ISCOM 473 Week 2 Individual Assignment
Review Sourcing Steps
3ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
VISIT www.iscom473homework.com Week 1 DQ 1 What
is your organizations buying strategy? How did
it establish its buying strategy? What
procurement strategies can an organization use to
improve its overall performance?
4ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
ISCOM 473 Week 1 Individual Assignment Article
Analysis Paper (New) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.iscom473homework.com The purpose of
Week 1 is to become familiar with the world of
procurement and review some of the professional
organizations that have articles about
procurement subjects. Choose an article from a
professional supply chain organization that
focuses on Sourcing and Procurement. Write a
700-word summary of the article to include how
this article
5ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
VISIT www.iscom473homework.com Week 2 DQ1 How is
outsourcing domestically different from
outsourcing internationally? If your organization
uses outsourcing, what is the process used? Why
would you consider outsourcing (buy versus make)?
6ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
ISCOM 473 Week 2 Individual Assignment Review
VISIT www.iscom473homework.com Choose your
current organization or one with which you are
familiar. Write in your own words a 700-word
paper that assesses the steps of the sourcing
process as it relates to your current
organization or one you are familiar with.
Discuss and provide an example of how each step
is performed. Review how your organization
processes can be improved from these steps.
Format your paper according to APA standards.
7ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
ISCOM 473 Week 2 Team Assignment Insourcing and
Outsourcing Practices FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.iscom473homework.com Your team has been
chosen as consultants. Use the organization
identified in Week 1 to review the current
insourcing and outsourcing practices of the
product offering. Include the following in your
analysis The product offering and how it is
used The countries operated in and the pros and
cons of servicing them Evaluation of the
current suppliers being used Review of any
problems with current suppliers
8ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
VISIT www.iscom473homework.com Week 3 DQ 1 What
is the goal of negotiating? Why is planning
critical to the negotiation process? When would
an organization negotiate for an item or product
instead of releasing a simple purchase order?
9ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
ISCOM 473 Week 3 Individual Assignment Sourcing
Process Evaluation FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.iscom473homework.com Using the assigned
readings, ERR library, and for any other
additional sources, prepare a 700-1,050-word
summary, accompanied by a flowchart, that
describes/outlines the steps that occur in a
typical sourcing process for a global
manufacturing firm. Provide a brief evaluation of
the steps as illustrated in your flowchart. In
your summary, be sure to include the following
Translating corporate objectives into
10ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
ISCOM 473 Week 3 Team Assignment Negotiations
Strategies Paper FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.iscom473homework.com Identify a
negotiation scenario from a professional
organization or credible supply chain website.
Prepare a 700-word paper in which you analyze the
negotiation scenario. Address the following in
your paper Analyze the elements of
negotiation(s). Select three negotiation
strategies and describe each of them. Provide
scenarios where each negotiation strategy would
be either appropriate, or inappropriate, for a
negotiator to use to secure a successful outcome.
Determine pricing strategy and estimate costs.
11ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
VISIT www.iscom473homework.com Week 4 DQ
1 Describe your organizations steps to issue a
purchase order. How does your organization ensure
that requirements flow from the first tier
supplier to second and third tier suppliers? How
does effective contract administration lead to
better supplier management?
12ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
ISCOM 473 Week 4 Individual Assignment
Negotiating Across Cultures Paper and
Presentation (2 Set) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.iscom473homework.com This Tutorial
contains 2 Papers/PPT Read the following
scenario Select two countries to research.
Research your selected countries and document
each countrys cultural and ethnic composition as
well as the populations ethnic makeup, include
percentages (for example Malaysia Ethnic groups
Malaysian 50.2, Chinese 24.5, Indigenous 11.0,
13ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
ISCOM 473 Week 4 Individual Assignment Supplier
Evaluation and Contract Review (Rocky Plain
Brewing Ltd and Gilpin Printing) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.iscom473homework.com Read the
case study of Rocky Plain Brewing Ltd and Gilpin
Printing in Chapter 15 ofPurchasing and Supply
Management, pages 473-475. Answer the following
questions in your discussion in 700 words
Explain what the Rocky Plains could have done
to improve the supplier relationship with Gilpin.
Explain the type of metrics that could have
14ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
ISCOM 473 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment
Negotiations Strategies Paper FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.iscom473homework.com ISCOM 473 Week 4
Learning Team Assignment Negotiations Strategies
15ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
ISCOM 473 Week 4 Team Assignment Supplier
Evaluation Case Review (Delphi Corporation) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.iscom473homework.com The
entire team will read the Delphi Corporation Case
study in Chapter 13 of Purchasing and Supply
Management, pages 387-391. Discuss this case with
your team and submit a 1,050-word paper that
includes Summary of the case From the
company you chose in Week 1, how can some of the
strategies Delphi has taken relate? Provide
16ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
ISCOM 473 Week 5 Individual Assignment Future
Trends in Purchasing Paper (2 Papers) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.iscom473homework.com Based on
current events and trends in the sourcing and
procurement environment, prepare a
1,050-1,750-word paper hypothesizing the future
of purchasing in the global economy. In your
paper, be sure to address the following Benefits
and risks of e-business Future opportunities and
trends in purchasing Future challenges in
17ISCOM 473 HOMEWORK Success Secrets
ISCOM 473 Week 5 Team Assignment eCommerce
Process FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.iscom473homew
ork.com From the organization chosen in Week 1,
review Ch. 4 from the text. Review the ERP and
Procurement tools currently used to manage
suppliers. Design/create a process map that shows
the Information Systems and Supply Management
Process. Include how information is managed and
the various departments the information is sent
to. Create a
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