Title: CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
1CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
2CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 Week 2 Assignment 1 Agile versus
www.cis525rank.com  Assignment 1 Agile versus
Waterfall Due Week 2 and worth 80 points The
following resources may be helpful when
completing this assignment. Agile vs. waterfall
methodology (http//agileintro.wordpress.com/2008/
3CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 Week 4 Assignment 2 Using SCRUM, DSDM,
and Lean Software Development FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.cis525rank.com  Assignment 2 Using
SCRUM, DSDM, and Lean Software Development Due
Week 4 and worth 90 points The following
resources may be helpful when completing this
assignment. DSDM Consortium (http//www.dsdm.org/)
4CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 Week 6 Case Study 2 Success with Agile
Project Management in General Dynamics FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis525rank.com  Case Study 2
Success with Agile Project Management in General
Dynamics Due Week 6 and worth 100
points    Read the case study on General
Dynamics. The Combat Identification Server (CIdS)
Technology Demonstrator Project (TDP) has been
delivered on time, with quality and budget
parameters using the Dynamic
5CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 Week 8 Case Study 3 Primavera Gets Agile
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cis525rank.com  Case
Study 3 Primavera Gets Agile  Due Week 8 and
worth 100 points Read the case study on Primavera
Gets Agile located athttp//www.objectmentor.com/r
esources/articles/Primavera.pdf. This is one of
the classic case studies on how an organization
adopts agile project management and makes itself
more competitive and successful. It highlights
the best practice and critical success factors of
how to turn the organizations entire development
organization around in an amazing way.
6CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 Week 9 Assignment 3 Resolve Conflicts and
Promote Collaboration as an Agile Coach FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.cis525rank.com  The following
resources may be helpful when completing this
assignment. Handling Conflict on Agile Teams
What to Do When a Team Member Complains
do-when-a-team-member-complains) Unsolvable
Conflict on Agile Teams
7CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 Week 10 Term Paper Using Agile Project
Management on Mobile Application Development FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cis525rank.com  erm
Paper Using Agile Project Management on Mobile
Application Development Due Week 10 and worth 150
points Fictitious assumptions and details may be
assumed or created for the completion of this
8CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com
CIS 525 RANK Extraordinary Life/cis525rank.com