Title: Luxury Jewellery Market in China
1Luxury Jewellery in China
Despite the economic slowdown in 2016, demand for
luxury jewellery continued, driven mainly by more
affordable luxury costume jewellery. In terms of
luxury fine jewellery, consistent demand for
wedding-related items maintained sales of
diamonds, couple rings and gold jewellery, etc.
At the same time, the strength of the
international gold price encouraged people to
store gold jewellery. Luxury Jewellery in China
report offers a comprehensive guide to the size
and shape of the Luxury Jewellery market at a
national level. It provides the latest retail
sales data, allowing you to identify the sectors
driving growth. It identifies the leading
companies, the leading brands and offers
strategic analysis of key factors influencing the
market and their effects on Luxury Jewellery
retailing along with the development of consumers
shopping patterns. Forecasts to 2020 illustrate
how the market is set to change
3Product coverage Luxury Costume Jewellery,
Luxury Fine Jewellery. Data coverage market
sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares,
brand shares and distribution data. Why buy this
report? Get a detailed picture of the Luxury
Jewellery market Pinpoint growth sectors and
identify factors driving change Understand the
competitive environment, the markets major
players and leading brands Use five-year
forecasts to assess how the market is predicted
to develop.
4Table of Contents
- Headlines
- Trends
- Competitive Landscape
- Prospects
- Category Data
- Strategic Direction
5- Key Facts
- Executive Summary
- Overall Steady Performance Amid Unfavourable
Market Environment - Uneven Development Among Varied Market Categories
in Luxury Goods - Apple Computer Dominates the Market While
Affordable Luxury Brands Thrive - Store-based Retailing Prevails While Internet
Retailing Enjoys Faster Growth
6Full Report Luxury Jewellery in China
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