Title: How to Make My Website Mobile Friendly
1Mobile Friendly Websites
Resources provided by
2Do I really need a mobile website?
A common question that digital marketing agencies
get is Do I really need a mobile website?
3The answer is Yes
4Having a mobile friendly version of your website
is absolutely a must do
Now more than ever before having a mobile
friendly version of your website is absolutely a
must do.
5Some of the Top Reasons
6 70 percent of customers are on mobile devices
Number 1. Since late 2015 searches are using
mobile devices like smart phones and tablets much
more than desktop computers. Close to 70 percent
of customers looking for your website are doing
so on mobile devices.
7They will find your competition instead of you
If your site is not mobile friendly
8Google warned if sites are not mobile friendly
they will rank lower.
Number 2. Several times since early 2015 Google
has warned website owners that if their sites are
not mobile friendly they will rank much lower
than sites that are mobile friendly.
9Google made several tools to test mobile
Google even made several tools available to test
and improve your mobile presence.
1067 Percent of visitors will click the back button
and visit your competition.
Number 3. Even if searchers do get to your
website, if they are on a mobile device and your
site is not mobile friendly they are 67 percent
more likely to click the back button, and visit
your competitor.
11Can you afford to lose 70 percent of your
12If your answer is no
If your answer is
13Learn how we can get your website mobile friendly
Contact us today to learn how we can get your
site mobile friendly and ready to receive new
customers in just a matter of days.
14Call Cloudy Zebra today.
Call 518-288-8736 Or visit us at