lost and found - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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lost and found


a project – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: lost and found

  • an e-twinning project
  • by the pupils of the fifth grade of
  • Lakkoma Primary School

Countries participating in the project
Description of the project
  • The project was based on the story, 'Lost and
    Found' by Oliver Jeffers? (the trailer can be
    found here https//vimeo.com/93123698
  • It is about a boy and a penguin who become
    friends.We read the story and watched the short
    DVD and discussed what it's like to feel lonely,
    have friends, care for something and belong
    somewhere. We, also, added the refugees
    perspective in our discussions as we perceived
    the penguin of the story as a refugee coming to
    our country for a better future.

Description of the project
  • We followed on from this by making penguins and
    booklets (with information about our country)
    stating, where our penguins come from and a
    greeting in Greek.The Penguins were then sent
    to all the schools taking part in the project, so
    each school would receive a penguin from Greece.
    The ideas was that the Penguins 'return', like in
    the story.This project helped to develop
    young children's awareness of the world.

Aims of the project
  • Geography _ The children learned about other
    countries and cultures through the penguins they
    received from them.
  • English Vocabulary extension, development of
    reading and speaking skills
  • SMSC - Finding friends and being loyal. Thinking
    of and looking after others.
  • DT - Design and make a booklet to share with
    other schools, telling them about the country
    where they live.
  • Teachers shared good classroom practices as well
    as developed the necessary ICT skills to be able
    to communicate effectively.

Process of the project step 1
  • We watched the DVD

Process of the project step 2
  • We read a simplified version of the book in

Process of the project step 3
  • We discussed the issues arising from it
  • ( finding friends, belonging, sharing,
    travelling, emigrating)

Process of the project step 4a
  • The children drew their favourite scenes of the

Process of the project step 4b
  • The childrens drawings were displayed at school!

Process of the project step 5
  • The children made booklets about their country
    and sent these off to each of the partner schools
    where the information was shared in assemblies
    and other groups.

Process of the project step 6
  • Children made penguins

Process of the project step 7
  • and these were sent to each of the schools as a
    sign of friendship!

Receiving the penguins from the other schools
  • The children were so happy to find new penguins
    in their mail box every day and learn new things
    about the penguins country of origin.

Hosting the penguins
  • The penguins found their place in the most
    central notice board of our school where they
    were displayed.

Results of the project
  • The children developed a greater understanding of
    the wider world and its customs.
  • They ,also, developed a sense of belonging and
    realised that people are both different and
  • The pupils were encouraged to talk about their

Evaluation of the project
  • The project was evaluated both by the pupils and
    their English teacher on an online form.
  • https//docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewFl0X48

Results of the surveys
  • Pupil survey
  • enjoyment of the whole project 100 
  • activities the most popular was receiving
    penguins from partners, then making the penguins
    and drawing about the story had equal rating.

Results of the surveys
  • Teacher survey
  • The value to pupils as judged by the teacher
  • talking / discussing the feelings stemming from
    the story
  • the feelings they recognise in the story and
    comparing them with real situations
  • being members of a community
  • how the relationship in the story mirrored their
    own lives / the role of friendship in life
  • developing empathy and friendship
  • discovering other European countries, exchanging
    messages with other pupils
  • Talking about where the penguins have returned
  • Receiving the penguins and thinking about values
  •  Professional gains for the teacher included
  • Sharing good practices / experiences with
  • Better communication with students and team work
  • Exchange ideas and contacts with other teachers 
  • Contacts to keep on working in other e-twinning
    projects / contact with partners from different
  • A new perspective on how a simple project can be
    very successful
  • New ideas to teach literacy
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