Title: Gradway Overseas Education Consultants in Hyderabad (1)
1Overseas Education Consultants in hyderabad
2About gradway
We offer guidance to students to choose
appropriate course and university on the basis of
their profile. Armed with trained career
advisors, we offer each candidate personalized
attention and services. We ensure that your
applications for admissions are well prepared and
well presented. Our primary role is to connect
students with universities and colleges around
the world. Students looking for dependable
overseas education consultants can rely on us for
guidance. Those looking to study overseas can use
our online services to secure admission into a
university abroad.
3what we do
We help thousands of students every year to
pursue higher education overseas. Motivated by
our core values ethics, expertise and
leadership, we are one of the most trusted names
in the field of overseas education. We offer
students a choice of thousands of courses at
various leading educational institutions in
Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom
and United States of America. With more than 15
years of experience, world class infrastructure
and state of art technology, you can expect the
best from us
4what we do
- Evaluating your academic profile
- Understanding your career objectives and goals
- Counseling to explore various programs and career
outcomes that - relate to your goals related to present market
requirement / trend - Researching and offering university options that
best fit your academics and your goals. - Arranging university options to your budget and
location / Tuition fee preferences. - Guidance on admission requirements, application
documents, visa documents - Facilitating the procurement of your I-20,
Admission confirmation - Scholorship / Funding guidance
- Guidance on Visa procedures, documents
pre-departure orientation
5Contact us
Offce Address advant building floor2, kavurihills
Plot no 4, phase 2 beside Orchids international
school madhapur, Hyderabad. cotact
no8008770 email idhimabindu_at_gradway.com