Title: PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/ tutorialrank.com
1PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....
2PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Entire Course For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com PSY 355 Week 1
Discussion Question 1 PSY 355 Week 1 Discussion
Question 2 PSY 355 Week 1 DQ 3 PSY 355 Week 1 DQ
4 PSY 355 week 1 Individual Assignment Sources of
Motivation Paper (2 Papers) PSY 355 Week 2
Discussion Question 1 PSY 355 Week 2 Discussion
Question 2 PSY 355 Week 2 DQ 3 PSY 355 Week 2 DQ 4
3PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 1 Discussion Question 1 (UOP
Course) For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Is it possible to
motivate a student to obtain an A grade if he
orshe does not value an A grade more than a C
grade? Why or why not?
4PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 1 Discussion Question 2 (UOP
Course) For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Please list four
things that bring you pleasure, and four
thingsthat bring you pain. Which do you,
personally, think motivates youmore, trying to
obtain the pleasure, or trying to avoid the pain?
5PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 1 DQ 3 For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com 1 - What is
motivation? 2 - Does perception affect
motivation? Why or why not? 1 - What are the
major sources of motivation? 2 - Which source
affects you most? Why? Do you think this is
something that is 'hard-wired' or learned? 3 - Do
you think it is possible to change which source
affects you most?
6PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 1 DQ 4 For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Do internal and
external sources need to be complementary for
motivation to occur? For example, is it
possible to motivate a student to obtain an A
grade if he or she does not value an A grade more
than a C grade? Explain your answer.
7PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 week 1 Individual Assignment Sources of
Motivation Paper (2 Papers) For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Sources of
Motivation Paper Prepare a 700 to 900-word paper
in which you examine the concept of motivation.
As a part of your examination be sure to address
the following items In your own words,
define motivation. Identify at least two
sources of motivation. Explain the
relationship between motivation and behavior.
Examine how motivation is exhibited in
8PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 2 Discussion Question 1 (UOP
Course) For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Weve had some great
discussions during Week 1 regarding themotivating
power of fear. Many of you, in fact, identified
fear ofpain as being a greater motivator for you
than is the attainment ofthat which brings you
pleasure. Is it possible, though, that fear
isalso the primary motivator in the attainment of
pleasure? Why or why not?
9PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 2 DQ 3 For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com 1 - What is a
person's mate value? 2 - Evaluate and compute
your mate value and that of your spouse/partner
(current or most recent). Are you surprised by
the results? What do the results mean (for you,
your life, your relationships, etc.)? 3 - Does a
person's mate value have any evolutionary
significance or is it an arbitrary value
determined solely by society? Explain!
10PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 2 DQ 4 For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Is it possible for
someone to become a chocoholic--a person addicted
to chocolate? Why or why not? Alcohol and
nicotine are 2 legal drugs. In some states,
marijuana (cannabis) is also legal. 1 - What
are the pros and cons of legalizing other drugs
(such as marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine,
heroin, 'designer drugs', etc.)?
11PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 2 Team Assignment Motivation
Theories Presentation For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Select at least 2
theories concerning human motivation. Obtain
faculty approval of your selected theories prior
to beginning this assignment. Prepare a 12 slide
presentation (using Microsoft PowerPoint,
Prezi, Glogster, or any other presentation
software program) in which you analyze your
selected motivational theories (Note 12
content slides are required, plus a 'title' slide
a 'reference' slide). Submit detailed speaker
notes with your presentation that w
12PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 3 Discussion Question 1 (UOP
Course) For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com To be clinically
diagnosed as addicted to a chemical substance
or abehavior, a person must demonstrate continued
involvement with thesubstance or activity even
though that person has experienced or isaware of
detrimental consequences to his or her job,
relationships,financial security, or health.
With this in mind, please answer thefollowing
13PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 3 Discussion Question 2 (UOP
Course) For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Personality typology
is one means of trying to understand why
andpredict how people are motivated to behave as
they do. In this weeksreadings, you are exposed
to several theories of personality, includingthe
5-Factor Model, the Sensation Seeking personality
model, EysencksThree Factor Model, as well as
the Adlerian personality model of the 1Priority
(posted in the Course Materials folder).
14PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 3 DQ 3 For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com What are the
similarities and differences between
physiological needs and psychological needs? 2a -
Do you think you can raise your self-esteem by
thinking about your successes in your domains of
contingent self-worth 2b - Can you lower your
self-esteem by thinking about your failures in
those areas? 2c - What about the effects of
thinking about successes and failures in domains
that are not important to you? 1 - Are some
people thinkers and others doers?
15PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 3 DQ 4 For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com How do psychological
needs and personality traits differ in the manner
they motivate behavior? Explain your answer.
16PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 3 Individual Assignment Motivation
and the Brain Paper For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Select 1 of the
following topics as the basis for this
paper Eating healthy Exercising Quitting
smoking Quitting drinking Refraining from using
17PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 4 Discussion Question 1 (UOP
Course) For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com One common problem
of motivation is procrastination, or putting
offuntil the very last moment doing what is
necessary to attain onesgoals, which is
discussed briefly in chapters seven and 10 of
thecourse text. According to Clayton Taylor-Ladd
(1996-2007), the twobasic types of
procrastinators are The relaxed type places
littleimportance on the goal, so leaves it to be
done until there is nothingbetter to do in an
effort to not get stressed over the
"insignificant,"but rather doing what brings more
enjoyment to him/her. Ironically,the great
dichotomy in life eventually wins out and the
stress therelaxed type is trying to avoid
materializes in spades.
18PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 4 Discussion Question 2 (UOP
Course) For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com We know that ones
emotions affect ones facial muscles to produce
the expressions we understand as happiness,
sadness, anger, fear, frustration, etc. Is it
also true, though that, aside from regulating
intensity of an existing emotion, the muscles in
ones face can createor change ones emotions?
19PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 4 DQ 3 For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com If increased arousal
results in increased performance, why does it not
also lead to a more efficient performance? In
your response, please include an example that
demonstrates this from your own life. 1 - Why do
you listen to music? Do any of these reasons
include energization, relaxation, and mood
alteration? 2 - How can music be used to alter
arousal levels?
20PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 4 Individual Assignment Arousal,
Behavior, Stress, and Affect Worksheet For more
course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com
Complete the Material Arousal, Behavior,
Stress, and Affect Worksheet. Click the
Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
21PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 5 Discussion Question 1 (UOP
Course) For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com As you read last
week, stress is not only a great motivator, on
along-term or redundant basis, it is also
responsible for a plethora ofphysical illnesses
ranging from the common cold, to allergic
reactions,to heart disease and even cancer. It
is also a major contributor tomany psychological
disorders including depression, anxiety,
22PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 5 Discussion Question 2 (UOP
Course) For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Please post your
response to the following discussion question
byclicking on Reply In terms of motivation, what
are some possible consequences ofincorrectly
labeling ones own emotional feelings or, those
ofanother? How can this happen? What can be
done to avoid this?
23PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 5 DQ 3 For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Do you find yourself
obeying the principle of least effort or the law
of less work? For example, do you drive instead
of walk, take the elevator instead of stairs, eat
fast-food rather than cook, or take an easy
elective course rather than a challenging one?
Why do you think this is so?
24PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 5 DQ 4 For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Part 1 1- When you
smile in greeting a friend, it is because you are
happy to see him/her, or is it simply a greeting
without any feeling? 2 - What governs your facial
expressions? Is it your felt emotions, your
social motives, the person you are with, or
display rules in general?
25PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
PSY 355 Week 5 Team Assignment Emotions Paper For
more course tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com
Write a 1,000 word paper in which you analyze
the function of emotions as motive. Address the
following items in your analysis Examine at
least 2 historical theories of emotion arousal
as they relate to human motivation. Analyze at
least 2 research methods used for uncovering
basic emotions. Discuss the facial feedback
hypothesis, particularly the event-appraisal-emoti
on sequence
26PSY 355 Course Extraordinary Success/
The Best way to predict the Future is to create
it.....To Best way....